On Monday, May 1 2021, CIES (Centre of Islamic Economics Studies) held a writing webinar as an exclusive CIES Research Exploration for CIES members only. The theme presented was "Introduction to Research and Research Methodology" with speaker by Mr. Bayu Arifianto, Ph. D., Head of the Islamic Economics Study Program, Universitas Airlangga .

Mr Bayu, CIES event

The event started at 09.00 with an opening by the MC and the reading of verses from the Holy Qur'an.
This was followed by remarks from the Chair of the Organizing Committee who expressed his thanks to the participating parties, and the reading of the participant SOP by the MC so that participants could participate in the webinar as well as possible. The next event was material presented by Mr Bayu.
He said that the abstract is the essence of the article which must contain the research objectives, research methods, main findings, as well as other implications or robustness tests. Reviewers in writing a scientific paper look at certain points, namely; reasons/motivation for research, research gap, innovation, endurance test, implications, and stories from the manuscript. Meanwhile, the first essential statement for a scientific article is originality, namely whether what the author researched is something current or new. Then secondly, the relationship to previous literature, whether the writing is still related or related to previous journals. Third, the methodology used is appropriate, correct and suitable or not for the research being conducted. Fourth, the results and conclusions are positive or not. Then the fifth is the implications of bridging theory and gaps or not.

In his material, Mr. Bayu also conveyed tips for writing manuscripts:
1. Look at international journal standards in writing
2. The writing flow is interesting and good
3. Bring out motivation, research gaps and novelty
4. Increase previous articles related to the manuscript being written
5. Correct data and data processing
6. Find many implications and contributions
7. Refer to the research question
8. Summarize and polish the separated parts
9. Add literature from reputable journals

After delivering the material, the MC invited Mr. Bayu to convey a message to the CIESers. The message he conveyed was that you must remain religious and scientific in carrying out all activities and be professional. Then the MC concluded from the material presented by Mr. Bayu, and the event closed with a group photo and a closing statement from the MC. (Fath/DES)