1. Registration for Scientific Orations and Talkshows - by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (completed)
2. Registration for seminars on building sharia finance and business (completed)
3. Registration for the 2017 OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines Taxation Seminar (completed)
4. Registration for Public Lectures on Current Conditions of the Indonesian Economy (completed)
5. Registration for Guest Lecture Evaluation of Indonesia's Poverty Targeting Policy (completed)
6. Registration for the Preheating Annual International Forum on Economic Development and Public Policy (AIFED) 2017 (completed)
7. Registration for the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Public Lecture (completed)
8. Registration Public Lecture on the Transformation of the Indonesian Economy (completed)
9. Registration for Guest Lectures The Role of FINTECH Financial Technology for Development (completed)
10. Registration for Economic Discussion of Business - Indonesian Palm Oil Industry in Global Vegetable Oil Competition (completed)
11. Registration for Investment Goes to Campus: Mutual Future, Easy and Affordable
(completed) 12. Registration for Book Review of Public Administration Paradigms and Their Development (completed)
13. Registration for Public Lecture on Agricultural Sector Development by the Regent of Bondowoso (completed)
14. Registration for Saxion University Visit to FEB Unair (completed )
15. Public Lecture Registration on the Role of Deposit Insurance Institutions in Maintaining Financial System Stability (completed)
16. Registration for Pancasila Economics Seminar (completed)
17. Registration for Guest Lecture - Research in Behavioral Finance - from Glasgow University (completed)
18. Registration for Seminar on the Role of FINTECH in Building a Digital Economy and Encouraging Financial Inclusion (completed)
19. Registration for Guest Lecture - European Union, Economic, and Monetary Integration - from University of Cukurova (completed)
20. Registration for Guest Lecture - Setbacks Encountered in EU Integration Process: Implications of BREXIT for The EU and UK (completed)
21. Registration for the Ignasius Jonan Public Lecture, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia. (completed)
22. Registration for the Public Lecture on the Synergy of Higher Education and the Commodity Futures Trading Industry for the Indonesian Economy (completed)
23. Registration for the Public Lecture on the Latest Economy and Developments in the 2018 APBN (completed) 
24. Registration for the Public Lecture Encouraging Entrepreneurship to Achieve National Prosperity by the Chairman of KEIN - Soetrisno Bachir (completed)
25. Registration for Guest Lecture on Competition Policy and Economic Development (completed)
26. Registration for Public Lecture Enggartiasto Lukita Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (completed)
27. Registration for the Double Leadership Forum (completed)
28. Confirmation Form for Attendance at the 20th AFEBI Congress 6 of 2018
29. Registration for Public Lecture on Banking Merger and Acquisition Strategy in Indonesia by the Financial Services Authority
(completed) 30. Registration for Lecture on the Development of Research Methods in Economics and Business (completed)
31. Registration for Public Lecture on Global Business Management: "Asean Politics & Economy Map in Digital Era" ( completed )
32. Registration for the Asian Economics Development Guest Lecture
( completed ) 33. Registration for the Public Lecture on Corporate Transformation in the Digital Era by PT Pegadaian (Persero)  ( completed )
34. Registration for the Development INDEX Village Book Review ( completed )
35 . Registration for the Socialization of the National Payment Movement by Bank Indonesia
(completed) 36. Registration for the Workshop on Time Series Econometrics by Dr. Abdul Rahim (UiTM Malaysia) ( finished )
37. Registration for Guest Lecture Women in Economics Profession: A Personal Reflection by Prof. Anu Rammohan (Australia) (completed)
38. Registration for Public Lectures on the Role and Function of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) and Breaking the Fast Together (completed)
39. Registration for Teaching Methods for Professional Students by Assc.Prof. Dr. Syed Aun Raza Rizvi from Lahore University of Management Sciences Pakistan (completed)
40. Registration Current Research Issues in Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance by Assc.Prof. Dr. Syed Aun Raza Rizvi from Lahore University of Management Sciences Pakistan (completed)
41. Registration for the 2019 Indonesian Economic Outlook Dissemination by Mr. Susiwijono, SE., ME., Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (completed)
42. Registration for the National Seminar on Latest Indonesian Economic Development and Future Challenges by Bank Indonesia (completed)