The Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga on September 24 2021 held a Guest Lecture with the theme "Introduction to the Appraiser Profession (Appraiser) and its Association. The Guest Lecture was held by presenting a guest speaker, namely Mr. Mushofah, ST, MM., MAPPI (Cert) as Chair of the East Java Association of Indonesian Appraisers (MAPPI). Apart from that, the Guest Lecture activity was guided by moderator Dr. Deni Kusumawardani, SE, M.Si as a lecturer at the Department of Economics, Universitas Airlangga .

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Material presentation session by Mushofah, ST, MM., MAPPI(Cert), at a guest lecture from the Department of Economics FEB UNAIR

on September 24 2021. (Photo: SS Zoom).


At the start of the activity, Mr. Mushofa explained in detail the introduction of the Appraisal Profession which is within the scope of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.

"From a legal perspective, Appraisers are included in the Financial Professional Development Center of the Ministry of Finance. If explained further, there are 3 professions, namely Public Accountants, Public Appraisers and Actuaries. Especially for Public Appraisers, academics are needed who are also competent and professional," he said.

There are three approaches that underlie the appraisal profession, namely based on capitalization of income, the effect of depreciation , and the effect of building and land type. These three basic principles are taken from the history of world appraisal as revealed by Alfred Marshal and are used as the basis for the appraisal profession to this day. Although later there were more specific developments related to the basis of the appraisal profession, such as that developed by Irving Fisher regarding the Income Theory of Value .

In Indonesia itself, the Indonesian Appraisal Professional Society (MAPPI) was officially formed on October 20 1981 in Jakarta. MAPPI's orientation focuses on creating Indonesian Appraisers with integrity, professionalism and international standard with a more complete explanation written in MAPPI's vision and mission.

Mr. Mushofa also added that, "MAPPI appraisers in national development have a central and vital role, such as in the construction of toll roads. MAPPI appraisers play a role in assessing the suitability of land, which is actually an important task in the basic process of developing vital national projects," he explained.

Assessors are said to have a vital role in the national development process. For this reason, an appraiser must also be based on education, skills and experience who have been declared qualified to estimate economic value. This explanation is written in the MAPPI Articles of Association regarding the specific definition of appraiser. Then, appraisers are also divided into three, namely educators, certified appraisers and public appraisers, all three of whom must register with the Minister of Finance in carrying out appraisal practices.

Regarding the level of becoming a public assessor, there are two routes, the first, the regular from MAPPI. Second, MAPPI's collaboration path with universities. Then, MAPPI membership is also explained starting from Affiliate Members, Participating Members, Accredited Members, Certified Members, and Honorary Members.

The vital role of appraisers can also be seen from the scope of related appraisal services such as property development consultation, asset information system design, property management, business feasibility studies, property agent services, project financing supervision, and studies to determine the remaining economic life.

Then, the presentation of the material was continued with a question and answer session. Many questions from the participants were related to membership and the scope of the Appraisal Profession.

The complete recording of the guest lecture can be seen at the following link:


Author: Mohammad Ichsan Verianto