On Thursday, October 7 2021, the grand final of the 18/2021 Economic Olympiad (OE) competition was held for high school students at the national level. The entire series of Olympic events, starting from the initial selection to the final selection, was held online.

It is known that there are 149 teams taking part in the Economic Olympiad (OE) selection spread across Indonesia. In the initial round, all Olympiad participants were required to do 100 economic questions consisting of material on microeconomics, macroeconomics, introduction to accounting, entrepreneurship and cooperatives. After that, they are selected as grand finalists who also have to do multiple choice questions again. After that, the 4 best participants were selected to take part in the grand final selection in the form of an economic debate.

At the debate event, the participants were assessed by 3 judges consisting of 2 academics and 1 practitioner. The jury was Mr. Wahyu Wisnu Wardana (Lecturer at the Department of Economics, FEB Unair), M. Zeqi Yasin (Lecturer at the Department of Economics, FEB Unair), and Pamus Sukma Yudana (practitioner). The topic of debate from the 4 teams was related to handling the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the need to eliminate the UMR for companies affected by COVID-19, the urgency of credit relaxation for SMEs and also providing direct cash assistance or BLT to the poor.

Based on the results of the jury's assessment, the winners were obtained in the following order:

1st Place: Michael Susanto & Jevon Joe Ariel (Petra 3 Christian High School Surabaya)

2nd Place: Alpha Daniel P. Simanjutak & Rania RA (SMA N 61 Jakarta)

3rd Place: Muhammad Khoiril Fadly & Intan Dewi S (MAN 2 Malang)

Hope 1: Rosalia R & Raina AC (SMA N 1 Trenggalek)

Congratulations to the winners!