Dr. Thinzar Win is a Myanmar citizen who successfully completed his doctoral education at the Doctor of Economics study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga . This graduate of the Doctor of Economics study program was accepted as a student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga in 2018. This is an achievement for Dr. Thinzar Win has completed the doctoral program which should have taken 4 years, but he managed to complete it in approximately 3 years and 1 month. What's more, Dr. Thinzar Win received the Cumlaude . Coordinator of the Doctoral Study Program in Economics, Dra. Ec. Dyah Wulan Sari, M.Ec.Dev., Ph.d, expressed her appreciation for the achievements and hard work of Dr. Thinzar Win. It is hoped that this achievement will inspire and encourage doctoral study program students to quickly complete their studies.

Dr. Interest Thinzar Win's view of industrial efficiency inspired and motivated him to discuss this topic in his dissertation. Dissertation title Dr. Thinzar Win is an Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Sugar Industry in Indonesia. As part of the graduation requirements, this dissertation has been tested through several series of trials and publication processes in scientific journals.