Course unit title

Human Capital Management: Theory and Application

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course unit (according to EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

Level 7 – Second Cycle Degree (Master)

Year of study when the course unit is delivered (if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


Number of ECTS credits allocated


Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Dr. Praptini Yulianti
  2. Dr. Dwi Ratmawati

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Graduate Learning Outcomes

  1. Attitude
  1. Faith to God Almighty and a religious attitude (A1)
  2. Upholding humanity in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics (A2)
  3. Contributing to improving the life quality of society, nation, state, and the advance of civilization based on Pancasila (A3)
  4. Playing a role as a proud citizen, who has a great deal of nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the country and nation (A4)
  5.       Appreciating the diversity of culture, view, religion, belief, as well as the opinion or original findings of others (A5)
  6. Cooperating, having social sensitivity, and concerning society and the environment (A6)
  7. Obeying the law and being discipline in social life (A7)
  8. Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics (A8)
  9. Demonstrating responsible attitude in their areas of expertise independently (A9)
  10. Internalizing independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship (A10)
  1. General Skills
  1. Being able to carry out academic validation or study according to their field of expertise for solving problems in the related communities or industries (B2)
  2. Being able to organize ideas, thoughts, and scientific arguments responsibly according to academic ethics, as well as communicate them to the academic and wider community through the media (B3)
  1. Knowledge
  1. Students are able to identify theories, concepts, and basic practices of management and business (C1)
  2. Students are able to use tools for management and business practices (C2)
  3. Students are able to understand basic knowledge for character development (C3)
  4. Students understand current management and business principles and issues (C4)
  1. Specific Skills
  1. Being able to implement analytical tools relevant to existing business problems (D1)
  2. Being able to integrate multidisciplinary knowledge to solve business problems (D2)
  3. Being able to demonstrate the key traits of an effective leader (D3)
  4. Having business ethics and caring for the communities (D4)
  5. Having comprehensive global insight (D5)
  6. Being able to build, develop, and maintain business organizations in order to be flexible, transformative, and proactive-adaptive to shifts in their business environment (D6)

Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Students are able to apply knowledge of human resource management (HRM) in business practice (A9, B3, C1, D1, D2)
  2. Students are able to apply the importance of HRM in accordance with flexible business (A5, C3, C4, D4, D5, D6)
  3. Students are able to apply HRM in accordance with the development of workforce diversity on the organization in particular and on business development in general (A5, A6, A7, C1, C4, D4, D5, D6)
  4. Students are able to implement their expertise in managing productivity and the quality of life of employees so that the company will achieve the certain goals of earning profit (A3, A7, A9, B3, C3, C4, D3, D4, D6)

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Distance Learning (current status due to COVID-19 pandemic)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Topic 1 – Human Resources in Globally Competitive Business Environment

  1. Managing resources
  2. Features of competitive business environment
  3. Responses of firms to the new competitive realities
  4. Case studies

Topic 2 – Talent Analytics: The Financial Impact of HRM Activities

  1. The LAMP models
  2. Financial effect of employee attitudes
  3. Costing
  4. Case studies     

Topic 3 – Diversity at Work

  1. The many dimensions of workforce diversity
  2. Diversity at work
  3. Managing diversity
  4. Case studies     

Topic 4 – Planning for Resources

  1. Business strategy
  2. Strategic workforce plan     
  3. Job and work: constant change
  4. Case studies     

Topic 5 – Recruiting

  1. Recruitment as a strategic imperative 
  2. Recruitment planning 
  3. Diversity-oriented recruiting
  4. Case studies

Topic 6 – Staffing

  1. Organizational consideration
  2. Screening and selection methods
  3. Assessment method in selection
  4. Choosing the right predictor
  5. Case studies

Topic 7 – Integrated cases of HRM in student's workplace associated with discussion topics from week 1 to 6

Topic 8 – Training and On-Boarding

  1. Employee training
  2. Principle that enhances learning
  3. Evaluating training programs
  4. Case studies

Topic 9 – Performance Management

  1. Managing for maximum performance
  2. Purpose of performance – appraisal system     
  3. Who should evaluate performance?
  4. Case studies

Topic 10 – Compensation

  1. Pay and incentive system     
  2. Indirect compensation: employee benefit plan     
  3. Case studies

Topic 11 – Labor Management Accommodation

  1. Union representation and collective bargaining
  2. Procedural justice and ethics in employee relations     
  3. Case studies

Topic 12 – Procedural Justice and Ethics in Employee Relations

  1. Procedural justice in action
  2. Grievance procedures in nonunion companies
  3. Case studies

Topic 13 – Support and International Implications

  1. Safety, health and employee assistance program     
  2. International of HRM
  3. Case studies

Topic 14 – Integrated cases of HRM in student's workplace associated with discussion topics from week 8 to 13

Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools

Cascio, 2019, 11th Edition, Managing Human Resources, McGraw-Hill

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

  1.     This course uses a pedagogical learning approach that appreciates interactive teaching and learning activities. Teaching is conducted online with a combination of classical lectures, interactive discussions, presentations, quizzes, and case analysis. The purpose of using various learning methods is to encourage the students to contribute in the learning process through structured classroom activities. Students are required to play an active role in understanding the topics discussed. Therefore, students are REQUIRED to read the materials before attending the class.
  2. Students in groups are required to submit a summary of class materials and discussion of 2 cases related to the topic each week.
  3. Group assignments (summary of weekly class materials and case studies) should be submitted to the lecturer a day before the class. Groups that do not submit the assignment will not obtain the assignment grade.
  4. Students MUST actively participate in the discussion session during the class.

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

  1. Assessment Methods and Criteria in General



Competency Reference

Expected Behavior



Individual Participation

This method aims to examine individual understanding of a particular topic. It also assesses students' ability to generate systematic and creative ideas in solving business problems

A9, A10, B2, B3, C1, C3, C4, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6

  • Students are expected to actively participate in discussion sessions. Assessment criteria are based on the quality of the argument.


Group Case Analysis Report Presentation

This method aims to assess how students implement relevant HRM concepts and recommend solutions

A5, A8, A9, B2, C1, C4, D1, D2, D3, D6

  • Students work in small groups to write case reports. Reports are collected weekly and feedback will be provided in the following week. Reports are collected by email.
  • Assessment criteria, accuracy, and elaboration ability from concept to practice.


Group Participation

This method aims to examine how students implement relevant HRM concepts, recommend case resolutions, and convey their ideas well

A1, A9, B2, B3, C1, C4, D2, D4, D6

  • Evaluation criteria.
  • Group cooperation, the quality of ideas in solving cases based on existing concepts.


Midterm/Final Exams

This method aims to examine the individual's understanding of materials implementation provided to overcome HRM problems 

A8, A9, A10, B1, B2, B3, B7, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, D1, D2, D3, D5, D6

  • Topics weeks 1-14
  • Evaluation criteria.
  • Accuracy in explaining and elaborating existing concepts used in dealing with HR problems in the workplace.


  1. Assessment Criteria (Case Analysis)

Grading Aspect

Grading Scale
(50 – 100)

Weight (%)

Final Grade

Clarity and coherence of writing




Topics concepts are explained properly and correctly




A summary report of lecture material is presented with an attractive visual




The report uses well-written Indonesian, not using translation engine




The summary report of the lecture material is presented in comprehensive sentences











© FIBAA – September 2021