Course unit title

Business Ethics and Creating Shared Value

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course unit (according to EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

Level 7 – Second Cycle Degree (Master)

Year of study when the course unit is delivered (if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


Number of ECTS credits allocated


Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., MSi.
  2. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Rachmadi Supancana, SH., MH.
  3. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, Dr., SH., MM., MH.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Graduate Learning Outcomes

  1. Knowledge
  1. Students are able to use tools for management practices (A2)
  1. General Skills
  1. Students are able to implement knowledge and understand the organizational management including environmental analysis, processes, procedures, and effective management practices (B1)
  2. Students are able to create product prototypes individually or in groups based on relevant entrepreneurial theories and concepts that always refer to scientific rules, procedures, and academic ethics (B2)
  3. Students are able to use information technology in implementing their expertise (B3)
  4. Students are able to make good management decisions based on critical and systematic data analysis both individually and team management (B4)
  5. Students are able to build good social networks with internal and external parties in accomplishing their duties (B5)
  1. Specific Skills
  1. Students are able to construct new ideas or critical perspectives in perceiving the management concepts and business organization problems (C2)
  2. Students are able to design organizational and business development plans (C3)
  3. Students are able to implement effective communication skills in the context of delivering empirical and theoretical arguments in the field of management (C4)
  1. Attitude
  1. Students have integrity as religious human beings who uphold human, moral, and ethical values ​​(D1)
  2. Students are able to develop discipline, responsibility, cooperation, in order to prioritize the concerns of community, nation, and state based on Pancasila (D2)
  3. Students are able to carry out critical self-reflection related to self-understanding, openness, and sensitivity regarding the differences and shifts in personal and organizational environments (D3)
  4. Students are able to show attitudes as independent citizens and entrepreneurs (D4)

Course Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, students are expected to:

  1. Be able to elaborate business ethics issues in various contexts
  2. Be able to find solutions from various management alternatives related to ethics
  3. Be able to analyze situations with an ethical perspective in the business world they are involved in
  4. Be able to explain CSR and the power behind it, implement the framework of CSR, as well as CSR map along with its challenges
  5. Be able to define GCG meaning and describe its implementation, impact and challenges in Indonesia, 

 Students are expected to be able to analyze legal and ethical signs that need to be recognized in the information technology field that keeps growing continuously.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Distance Learning (current status due to COVID-19 pandemic)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Topic 1 – Business and Ethics

  1. What morality and moral standards mean
  2. The meaning of Ethics and Business Ethics and their issues.
  3. Moral reasoning
  4. Stages of moral development
  5. Kohrlberg's study and business ethics

Topic 2 – Business Ethics: Enron and Microsoft

Topic 3 – Ethics Principles

  1. Ethical principles and theories (deontology and teleology)
  2. Case discussion on page 149 and page 151 (V)

Topic 4 – Ethics Principles

  1. Virtue ethics
  2. The ethics of care (page 125)

Topic 5 – Ethics in Production and Marketing Consumer Products

Topic 6 – The Concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility concept
  2. Triple bottom line 

Topic 7 – Corporate Social Responsibility on Case Discussion

  1. Ethics and conflict of interest
  2. Case:

Topic 8 – Innovation on Corporate Social Responsibility

Topic 9 – Corporate Social Responsibility Accountability

Topic 10 – Cyber ​​Ethics

  1. Ethical aspects of information technology, best practices, and implementation in Indonesia

Topic 11 – Cyber ​​Law

  1. Legal aspects of Information Technology – International and National regulations

Topic 12 – Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  1. CSR definitions
  2. CSR basic concepts
  3. CSR rationales and driving forces
  4. Framework for CSR initiatives
  5. CSR best practices

Topic 13 – Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  1. CSR mapping in Indonesia
  2. CSR update in Indonesia and the challenges ahead

Topic 14 – USR Presentation Worth Publication

Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools

Main References

  1. Velasquez, Manuel G. (2014). Business Ethics - Concepts and Cases 7th Edition. USE: Pearson New International Edition V – (required reading)
  2. Joseph, W Weiss. (2009). Business Ethics, A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach with Cases 5th Edition. Cengage Learning (JW)
  3. Sonny Sukada, Pamadi Wibowo, Katamsi Ginano, Jalal, Irpan Kadir, Taufik Rahman. (2006). Grounding Sustainable Business - Understanding the Concepts and Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility. Indonesia Business Links (IBL) – (recommended reading)
  4. National Committee for Governance Policy (KNKG), Indonesian Good Corporate Governance Guidelines (2006) – (recommended reading)

 Other References

  1. Fisher, Collin, and Allan Lovell. (2003). Business Ethics and Values. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall (Lovell)
  2. Articles or clippings and journals and other readings distributed to students

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This course is conducted online with a combination of classical lectures, presentations, interactive discussions, and case study analysis. The purpose of using various teaching methods is to encourage the students to contribute in the learning process through structured classroom activities.

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

  1. Assessment Methods



Grading Aspect


  1. Minimum attendance is 75%. 
  2. Assignments are assigned individually or in groups. 
  3. Individual participation is assessed from the involvement and participation of students in class.
  4. Quiz is conducted without prior notice. 

Individual Participation

30 %

Group Assignments

30 %

Midterm Exam

20 %

Final Exam

20 %

Total Score

100 %

  1. Assessment Criteria



Analysis and Theory



Students are analyzing problems and solutions properly by using all relevant theories and concepts

The powerpoint presentation is excellent, systematic, attractive, comprehensive, and presenters proficient in the materials


Students are analyzing problems and solutions well by using almost all relevant theories and concepts

The powerpoint presentation is great, systematic, interesting, understandable, and presenters competent to present 


Students are analyzing problems and solutions well by using several relevant theories and concepts

The powerpoint presentation is good and systematic, but the presenters do not quite master the material well even if it is still easy to understand


Students are not analyzing problems and solutions properly, but several relevant theories and concepts are used

The powerpoint presentation is not quite good but still systematic, the presenters do not quite master the material well and it is hard to understand


Students are not analyzing neither problems nor solutions properly, but several relevant theories and concepts are used

The powerpoint presentation is not quite flattering and systematic. The presenter does not really master the materials so that the presentation is quite difficult to understand


Students are not analyzing problems and solutions properly. Relevant theories and concepts are not used at all

The power point presentation is not good and systematic. The presenter does not understand the materials et all so that the presentation is difficult to understand

© FIBAA – September 2021