What I do is actually relatively the same as what my friends do. What makes it different is how during this study I learned the meaning of the word painful. I am a person who is willing to take the trouble to learn. No matter how difficult the material is, I always try to learn as much as possible..."

Gery Lusiano Firmansyah's enthusiasm for learning succeeded in bringing the Ngawi-born man to the point of success at the end of his study period, namely being named the Best FEB Graduate for the June 2021 period.

According to Gery, who has now graduated from the Accounting major, he doesn't have any special tips for studying, instead Gery admits that what he does is actually relatively the same as what his friends do. However, Gery felt that what made him different was how he knew the meaning of the word painful during the learning process on campus. “I am a person who is willing to take the trouble to learn. No matter how difficult the material is, I always try to learn as much as possible, ask friends, ask for input from seniors. "And the most important thing is to want to read and learn for yourself," said Gery. According to the graduate, the difficulties he had to go through would then shape the mentality and character of a fighter in him.

Having a GPA of 4.00/4.00, the man whose hobby is playing football feels that the perfect GPA he has is more than just a number. Gery feels that this number contains struggle, pain, fatigue, sweat, worry, and other things that are not priceless. Gery also explained that a perfect GPA is a responsibility to provide meaning or value to the surrounding community regarding how he is able to convey the knowledge he has gained so that it is useful for other people in providing enlightenment.

As the Best Graduate for the June 2021 period, Gery is not only brilliant in academics, but is also active in organizations, often serves as a delegate, often takes part in competitions and likes participating in community service activities. Gery was Deputy Chair of the Moslem Students Association of Faculty Economics and Business (MOSAIC) in 2018 and once held the position of Secretary General or President of the 2020 National Congress of Indonesian Accounting Students. Gery has also been a delegate several times, one of which was the Indonesian delegate at the International Social event Business Summer Program (ISBSP) Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Apart from that, Gery also proved his competitive ability by winning a total of 14 competitions or events on a local, national and international scale. Guided by the tri dharma of higher education, Gery also actively participates in community service, one of which is the Village Product Development (PRODES) work program of HIMA Akuntansi UNAIR in Pujon village, Malang in 2018.

Talking about the future, Gery has prepared himself before entering the world of work because according to the Best Graduate, thorough preparation is needed to enter the world of work, and he has made these preparations by taking an internship program at PT Berkah Multi Cargo Logistics which is one part from PT PELINDO 3 Group for 6 months. Apart from wanting to become a professional accountant , Gery also has aspirations to develop his competence by continuing his education to Masters and Doctoral levels as well as returning to campus and devoting himself to becoming a lecturer one day.

After going through such an impressive college journey, Gery gave a message to other students that GPA is indeed important, but GPA is not everything. Gery suggested that students can use opportunities in lectures to develop themselves as much as possible, they should take all opportunities and be students who take part. "GPA is only a consequence of a total struggle," said the Best Graduate. (BLQ)