The Accounting Department held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to discuss curriculum development based on the industrial revolution 4.0 on Saturday (19/6/2021). This FGD was carried out in a hybrid via the Zoom and offline in the KRMT Fadjar Notonegoro hall. The theme of the Business World Industry Forum - World of Work and Curriculum Development Based on Industrial Revolution 4.0, Outcome Based Education (OBE) and Freedom to Learn - Independent Campus (MBKM) was promoted in this activity.


The FGD was attended by practitioners, academics and professionals representing three study programs (Prodi) under the Department of Accounting, namely the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, Master of Accounting Study Program and Doctor of Accounting Study Program. It is hoped that this FGD activity can provide input regarding graduate profiles, learning outcomes (CPL), and future curriculum based on the industrial revolution 4.0.
