UNAIR NEWS – Research is an indicator of whether a higher education institution is progressing or not. As part of implementing higher education, UNAIR continues to look for breakthroughs in encouraging the entire academic community to continue to increase research results, especially if the research can be indexed by Scopus. One of the steps currently being taken is by providing incentives for the publication of scientific papers to teaching staff within UNAIR. A total of 451 teaching staff who have the Scopus H-Index received incentives, 15 of whom are researchers who have the best Scopus H-Index. The incentives were given during a UNAIR Lecturer Appreciation Handover event which was accompanied by a guest lecture from Dato' Sri Prof. Dr. Tahir, MBA.

At the event held in the Garuda Mukti Hall, UNAIR Chancellor Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., conveyed several things about the research climate at UNAIR. Apart from wanting to continue to improve superior research in the health sector without neglecting other fields, the FEB UNAIR professor also conveyed several things that were the reason for the low number of UNAIR research results included in Scopus.

"The reason for the relatively low number of studies indexed by Scopus is one of the inconsistent uses of names, apart from that there are some names whose affiliations are not with UNAIR, so these are the things that we will continue to improve," he explained.

Nasih also emphasized that citations are not the main reason for increasing the amount of research, but with these citations the usefulness of research results can be measured.

"To what extent can our research results be utilized and accessed by the wider community, one way is by looking at how many citations there are," he added.

In line with Nasih, Badri Munir Sukoco, SE, MBA, PhD. As head of the UNAIR Planning and Development Agency (BPP), he added that this appreciation was a form and effort to encourage research lecturers to provide the best for society and especially for students.

"Actually, the more lecturers who do research, this is also beneficial for the lecturers themselves, apart from being able to develop their knowledge, later the research results can also be applied when teaching," he explained.

Interviewed in different places, Prof. Soetjipto, dr., MS., PhD., one of 15 UNAIR teaching staff who has the highest H-Index in Scopus, said that the steps taken by UNAIR leadership were a positive start. The FK UNAIR professor also added that this would be able to encourage the birth of young researchers within UNAIR.

"With this appreciation, I am sure that UNAIR's name will improve, especially what is appreciated is quality research," he concluded. (*)

Author: Nuri Hermawan