Number: 3311/UN3.1.4/PK/2023 2 May 2023

Attachments: Two Sheets                                                                                           

Subject: Online Lectures


  1. Lecturer
  2. Student at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga

Following the announcement number: 2662/UN3.1.4/PK/2023 regarding lectures before the Final Semester Examination (UAS) Even Semester 2022/2023 and based on the letter of the Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs number: 2100/UN3/TM/2023 dated April 26 2023 regarding online lectures during the 2023 UTBK SNBT selection, we hereby inform you that lectures on 08 – 13 May 2023 will be held online.

So we thank you for your attention and cooperation.

the Dean

Deputy Dean I


  1. Dean
  2. Head of Department
  3. Study Program Coordinator 

    Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga