Based on a letter from the Chair of Universitas Airlangga Language Center, Number: 215/UN3.39/DL/2020, dated 8 July 2020, regarding Notification of Alternatives to Replace the ELPT Test.

Essay registration is no later than July 16 2020, 15.00 WIB

Type: Name, NIM, Study Program send via WhatsApp

Undergraduate Program: 085645450737 (Mubin) 

Masters and Doctoral Programs: 085730111072 (Susi) 

Essays sent to email addresses This email address is being protected from spambots. You need Javascript enabled to view it.  use the official Unair student email no later than July 21 2020,

At 23.59 WIB

For those who already have an essay certificate in June but have not yet graduated, please re-register, there is no need to send another essay.

Type your name, NIM, study program, registered email, proof of your answer to the June 2020 Pusba essay email, send as above.