• Harymawan Faith

  • Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need Javascript enabled to view it.

  • 2016: City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), PhD in Accountancy

  • 2009: National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), MBA

  • 2006: Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia), BA in Accountancy (Honours)




  • Managerial Accounting; Auditing


  • auditing and financial reporting quality.


  • 2020: Speaker at Online Webinar for Yapis University Papua with topic: Writing Conclusions is as Easy as Copy Paste Research Results
  • 2020: Speaker at Online Webinar for Universitas Airlangga with topic: Knowledge Sharing in International Research
  • 2020: Speaker at Online Webinar for State University of Malang with topic: Peel Completely Indexed International Journal Publication Strategy 
  • 2020: Speaker at Online Webinar for Lambung Mangkurat University with topic: What is Novelty? How to Get Novelty?
  • 2020: Speaker at Online Webinar at Trunojoyo Madura University with topic: Is It Dizzy to Write an Introduction?
  • 2020: Speaker at Online Webinar for STIE Nasional Banjarmasin with topic: Get Latest Research Ideas Learn from BYU Accounting Ranking 
  • 2020: Speaker at Online Webinar for Ahmad Dahlan University with topic: Strategy to Improve International Students in Pandemic Era via Virtual Student Mobility
  • 2020: Speaker at Online Webinar for Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu with topic: Institutional Setting, What is it?