How to Create Article and Category Content in Joomla:


1. Create Article Categories:

Open Category Manager: - Enter the Joomla administrator interface.
- Select "Categories" from the navigation menu.

Add New Category: - Click "Add Category" in the toolbar.
- Fill in category details, such as name, description and other settings.
- Click "Save" or "Save & Close."

Managing Categories: - In Category Manager, you can view, edit and delete existing categories.
- Click on the category name to edit or use the icon in the toolbar.

2. Create Articles:

Open Article Manager: - Select "Articles" from the navigation menu in the administrator interface.

Add New Article: - Click "Add Article" in the toolbar.
- Fill in the article title, select an existing category or create a new category, and add article content.
- On the right side of the page, you can define settings such as publication scheduling, metadata, and more.

Category Settings in Articles: - In the article creation form, select or add a category in the "Categories" section under the "Articles" tab.
- The selected category will determine under which category the article will be placed.

Specifying a URL Alias ​​(Optional): - In the "URL Alias" section of the "Article" tab, you can specify an SEO-friendly URL for the article.

SEO Settings (Optional): - Use the "Metadata" tab to add meta descriptions and keywords to improve the article's search engine optimization.

Save Article: - Click "Save" or "Save & Close" to save the article.

Managing Articles: - In Article Manager, you can view, edit and manage existing articles.
- Click on the article title to edit or use the icon in the toolbar.

By following these steps, you can create categories and articles in Joomla easily. Make sure to organize your articles into appropriate categories so that your website is well structured. Additionally, understanding and using features such as URL aliases and SEO settings will help increase the visibility of your articles in search engines.


Creating and Managing Media Manager:

Open Media Manager:

Login to Joomla Administrator Interface.
Select "Media" from the navigation menu.
Add Folder (Optional):

If you want to create a new folder to organize media, click "Add Folder" in the toolbar.
Give the folder a name and select a save location (usually "images").
Click "Save" or "Save & Close."

Upload Media:

To upload media, click "Upload" in the toolbar.
Select files or drag and drop files to the specified area.
Wait until the upload is complete.

Managing Media:

Once the upload is complete, you can view the media in Media Manager.
Click on a file name or image to preview and access management options.
Edit Media (Optional):

To edit media information, check the files or images you want to edit, then click "Edit" in the toolbar.
You can set the name, description and other metadata.
Click "Save" or "Save & Close."

Managing Folders and Structure:

Click "Folder" in the toolbar to see a list of folders in Media Manager.
You can create, edit, and delete folders to organize media.

Global Media Settings:

On the navigation menu, select "Configuration."
In the "Media" tab, you can set global settings, such as thumbnail size, allowed media types, and more.
Using Media in Content:

When creating or editing articles, you can use Media Manager to insert images or media files.
Use the "Insert/Edit Media" icon in the article editor.
Select the file from Media Manager and insert it into the article.

Access Rights Settings (Optional):

If necessary, you can set access rights for specific folders or media files.
Select a file or folder, click "Settings" in the toolbar, and specify access rights.

Deleting Media or Folders:

Check the files or folders you want to delete, then click "Delete" in the toolbar.
Confirm deletion if requested.
By following these steps, you can create and manage Media Manager in Joomla easily. Media Manager allows you to store, organize and efficiently use various types of media within your Joomla website.