Awarding body/institution

Universitas Airlangga


Name of the program

Doctoral Program of Islamic Economics


Details of the accreditation by a professional or statutory body

Accredited as Grade A by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education. Certificate number: 2981/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/D/XII/2016

(Link: https://pddikti.kemdikbud.go.id/data_pt/NUFBREYzREYtRDBGOC00QTE3LUJERkQtNjEwOEZDNUNFNDA1 )


Type (eg full/part-time, residential/distance learning, dual, intensive program)

Full time


Final degree (title)

Doctor in Islamic Economics


Standard period of study and credit points gained (according to ECTS)

Course work stream: Matriculation and 6 semesters, 50 credit points


Expected intake for the program

The intake of the program required the student candidate to be at least a master's degree graduate of any background. For those who are not of Economics and Business background, will be required to attend the Matriculation program prior to the start of the semester. Another application requirement is a draft research proposal.

Apart from the administrative requirements, the applicant is also required to take an Academic Potential Test and attend an interview session.


Program starting date within the academic year and first time the program has been/will be offered

August every year since 2008 according to the Universitas Airlangga Rector Decree No. 4311/J03/OT/2008 date 10 March 2008 regarding the Establishment of Study Program in Universitas Airlangga.



A. Knowledge


Graduates are able to master the basic of scientific philosophy, ontology, epistemology and axiology of various studies of Islamic economy


Graduates are able to master various scientific paradigms, the anatomy of various economic theories from classical, neoclassic, to the development of the current economic theory associated with al-Quran and al-Hadith


Graduates are able to master various research methods, data collection techniques and data analysis techniques, according to both the fields and expertise in the Islamic economic study particularly Islamic social finances


Graduates are able to master the scientific rules, procedures, and ethics in the preparation of tested and original scientific papers


Graduates are able to master the writing and publishing scientific papers and research journals in accredited scientific journals, both nationally and internationally.


Teaching & Learning Methods


The coursework stream of the Islamic Economics Doctoral Program uses several methods in delivering knowledge to students. The teaching and learning methods are:

● Lectures

● Discussion

● Panel discussions

● Research Forum

● Presentations

● Assignments

● Tutorials

● Seminars

● Paper Publications

● Research

● Focus Group Discussion


Assessment Method


A range of formative and summative assessment exercises are designed to enable students to demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding. Methods of assessment include:

● Written examination (mid-term and final examination)

● Assignments

● Dissertation manuscript

● Oral examination

● Paper Publications

B. General Skills


Graduates are able to discover or develop new scientific theories/concepts/concepts that contribute to the development and practice of Islamic economic science through scientific research.


Graduates are able to conduct interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary or trans-disciplinary research in the form of a dissertation, as well as publishing 2 articles in indexed national and international journals


Graduates are able to conduct effective, current, advanced research with high impact


Graduates are able to manage, lead, and to sustain impactful research


Graduates are able to develop and maintain collegial and peer relationships within their own environment or through collaborative networking with the research community outside the institution


Teaching & Learning Methods


The coursework stream of the Islamic Economics Doctoral Program uses several methods in delivering general skills to students.

● Lectures

● Discussion

● Panel discussions

● Research Forum

● Research

● Presentations

● Assignments

● Seminars

● Focus Group Discussion



Assessment Method


A range of formative and summative assessment exercises are designed to enable students to demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding. Methods of assessment include:

● Written examination (mid-term and final examination)

● Assignments

● Dissertation manuscript

● Oral examination

● Paper Publications

C. Specific Skills 


Graduates are able to implement theoretical knowledge to solve Islamic economic problems on a national and global scale


Graduates are able to analyze and predict conventional and Islamic economic issues and phenomena and their dynamics by using the correct theoretical framework in accordance with Islamic values


Graduates are able to explain, criticize and evaluate various economic issues, and phenomena as well as international and societal problems, and offer solutions in accordance with scientific principles and expertise in accordance with Islamic values


Graduates are able to fill various strategic positions at the level of policy makers in the field of Islamic economics


Graduates are able to master various research approaches in order to solve contemporary problems in society (technology and social) in accordance with Islamic values.


Teaching & Learning Methods


The coursework stream of the Islamic Economics Doctoral Program uses several methods in delivering specific skills to students. The teaching and learning methods are:

● Lectures

● Discussion

● Panel discussions

● Research Forum

● Presentations

● Assignments

● Tutorials

● Seminars

● Paper Publications

● Research

● Focus Group Discussion


Assessment Method


A range of formative and summative assessment exercises are designed to enable students to demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding. Methods of assessment include:

● Written examination (mid-term and final examination)

● Assignments

● Dissertation manuscript

● Oral examination

● Paper Publications

D. Attitude 


Graduates are able to uphold human values ​​in carrying out duties based on religion, morals, and ethics.


Graduates are able to demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in their area of ​​expertise.


Teaching & Learning Methods


Doctoral program participants will experience a wide variety of teaching methods and a range of opportunities for learning, designed to facilitate a progressively deeper understanding and foster independent learning. Methods include:

● Sit-in Lecture

● Presentations

● Discussion

● Assignments

● Supervisory meeting

● Research forums

● Seminars

● Publications

● Research


Assessment Method


A range of formative and summative assessments are designed to enable students to demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding. Methods of assessment include:

● Discipline (meeting the deadline)

● Plagiarism check

● Academic integrity

● Social attitudes

● Dissertation manuscript

● Paper publications

● Oral examination