On Wednesday, September 29 2021 to be precise, at 18.00. The Department of Islamic Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga, held a guest lecture inviting one of the best speakers in the field, namely PROF.Dr. Zakaria Bahari as Director of center for Development Management studies (ISDEV) Universiti Sains Malaysia. PROF.Dr. Zakaria Bahari is also a graduate of the National University of Malaysia with a PhD and MA (economics) program, and Hasanuddin University with a B.Soc.Sc (Hons) degree.

In providing material by the resource person this time, it was guided by moderator Mrs. Dian Filianti, one of the teaching staff at the Islamic economics department, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga. This guest lecture, which was attended by approximately 50 people, went smoothly from start to finish. In the presentation of material by PROF.Dr. Zakaria Bahari, he explained that the background of Islamic economics is something that is based on the demands of religion as worship, and the law is fardhu kifayah. On the other hand, the 1.7 million Muslim population in the world on average is still classified as poor and faces development and economic problems. Therefore, according to him, the elimination of usury and cases that are contrary to the activities of Islamic muamalah must be abolished, because this can reduce the level of poverty and encourage a progressive economic pace. However, according to him, this systematic system must also have strong support, especially from the government in Islamic countries, such as Indonesia and Malaysia. It cannot be denied that there has been a lot of research that proves the ZISWAF theory which can overcome and alleviate poverty in a region or country.

In his presentation, PROF.Dr. Zakaria Bahari also mentioned the definition of Islamic economics according to several experts, including:

Amir Moh. Al-Faysal Al-Su'ud - "A science of wasilah (tool) used by humans to fulfill all individual and community needs in accordance with sharia regulations."

MA Manan, 1982 – 'Social science that examines human economic problems imbued with Islamic values."

Apart from that, PROF.Dr. Zakaria Bahari also explained the urgency of ZISWAF and its positive impact on a country's economic growth. This material session by him took 60 minutes, and was followed by a question and answer session by guest lecture participants that evening. During this session, many participants, the majority of whom were active lecturers in the Islamic Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, asked active questions and provided quite good feedback on the material presented by the resource person. After that, we arrived at the end of the guest lecture with PROF.Dr. Zakaria Bahari, and the event went smoothly and then closed with a group photo session and prayer.