The government through the Directorate General of Higher Education (Ditjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) initiated the Indonesian Student Micro Credentials (KMMI) program which was officially opened on Friday (26/21) as an effort to support the Independent Learning – Independent Campus program.

The KMMI program will be organized by universities in collaboration with the Business and Industrial World (DUDI), which will later be attended by active undergraduate level students who are selected based on applicable requirements.

Please note, the form of implementation of the KMMI program is in the form of training or short courses to develop soft skills or hard skills where learning is carried out online or offline .

Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is one of the universities in Indonesia that has implemented the KMMI program. For example, the Faculty of Economics and Business in the Islamic Economics Study Program is holding training on "Sharia Capital Markets and Investment" which is expected to increase students' ability to be more competitive when entering the world of work. Because this training is an alternative form of learning and strengthens and increases student competence.

Registration for the training carried out by the Islamic Economics study program has been open for ± one week from Thursday, 19 August 2021 to Saturday, 28 August 2021. Inevitably, this activity is very popular with students. With a quota of 80 students who will later take part in training activities to support the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's KMMI program.

Not only that, the very short registration can attract special attention. During ± one week the registration process was able to break the record, as many as 1138 students registered for this activity. However, with the minimum quota that had to be met, the committee allowed 1058 students to try other KMMI activities organized by UNAIR.

Based on the KMMI Program training standards that have been determined by the committee, the committee will continue to select the 80 best students who meet the applicable terms and conditions to take part in this activity. Of course, with high student enthusiasm, students don't need to worry because this training activity will continue to be carried out next year.