Course unit title

Economic Development in Islamic Perspectives

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)


Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)


Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered


Number of ECTS credits allocated


Name of lecturer(s)

Course Coordinator:

Dr. Sri Herianingrum

Lecturer Team:

Prof.Dr. Suroso Imam Zajuli,

Dr. Meri Indri Hapsari, SE., M.Sc.  

Siti Inayatul Faizah, S.Ag., M.Sc.

Lina Nugraha Rani, SE., M.SEI.

Drs. R. Moh. Qudsi Fauzi, MM.

Denizar Abdurrahman Mi'raj, S.EI, M.SEI.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Mastering and able to comprehensively explain the basic concepts in Islamic economic development and identify various problems of economic development in Islamic perspective

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

face-to-face, distance learning

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

This course contains basic concepts of Economic Development in Islamic Perspectives and the identification of various problems.

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

● Nurul Huda, 2015. Islamic Development Economics

● M. Umar Chapra, 2000, Islam and Economic Development, Gema Insani Pers, Jakarta

● Todaro, MP, 2002, Economic Development in the Third World, Translation, Eighth Edition, Addison Wesley Longman Inc, New York

● Afzalur Rahman, 1995, Islamic Economic Doctrine, Dana Bhakti Waqf, Yogyakarta

● Bank Indonesia, Economics and Islam, 2008, PT RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta

● 6. Munawar Iqbal, Distributive Justice And Need Fulfillment in An Islamic Economy, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, UK

● Mustafa Kamal, 1997, Islamic and Economic Insights, LP FEUI, Jakarta 

● Kammaludin, Rustian, 1988, Introduction to Development Economics, LPUI

● Irawan and Suparmoko M, 2002, Development economics, Edition VI, BPFE, Yogyakarta

Mieer, Gerald M, 1994, Leading issues in Economics.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, class discussions, case studies and group projects

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

 Mid and Final Tests and Assignments