The Samba Mufe (Welcoming New FEB Muslim Students) activity in 2022 is a routine MOSAIC FEB UNAIR activity in order to introduce university life to new students as well as introducing MOSAIC as SKI FEB UNAIR. The 2022 Samba Mufe activities will be held offline after being held online for the previous two years considering the Covid-19 pandemic so that activities had to be carried out online.

This activity, which is an annual MOSAIC FEB UNAIR event, will be held in the Ikhwan Hall of the Nuruzzaman Mosque, Campus B UNAIR on Thursday, 20 October 2022 at 19.00 WIB after evening prayers in congregation. At the core of the event there will be a session delivering material regarding sharing about college life as well as introducing MOSAIC FEB UNAIR as SKI which is a forum for Muslim students to increase their devotion and faith in Allah SWT. Apart from delivering material, the 2022 Samba Mufe activity also included a games session to provide entertainment for new students.



The target participants for this activity are new Muslim students from FEB UNAIR 2022.