FEB UNAIR Protestant Christian Service Fellowship

October 23, 2022

Activity Description

Students are agents of the nation's future who have an important role in social life. Therefore, students must be healthy both spiritually and physically. So, we as Christian students at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , need to carry out physical activities that are able to maintain our health and make our bodies fit.

As Christian students, we realize that the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ is great for His children. Therefore, the Protestant Spiritual Service of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga has several work programs to implement our vision, mission and goals, namely holding a fellowship in the form of badminton. Just as Christian students should follow the love of the Lord Jesus and become good members of the body, one way is to take care of the body that was given by the Lord Jesus. As written in Ephesians 5: 29 "For no one ever hates his own body, but nurtures it and cares for it, just as Christ does the church."