(Hima PDIA News) - Improving the quality of scientific publications is an important part of efforts to strengthen academic research in Indonesia. Therefore, the Student Association of the Accounting Sciences Program (HIMA PDIA), Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair), again held Tips, Tricks & Share (TTS) Series 2 with the theme "Who Fear of Publications at Cogen Business & Management" on Thursday, March 13, 2025, online through Zoom. This event aims to provide insight and practical strategies to students in order to improve the quality of scientific writing and penetrate international reputation journals.Scopus 2 Feb Ua

This activity presents Dr. Astrid Maharani, SE, M.Akun., CSRS., CSRA., CSP., CRA, Lecturer at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember as well as alumni of the Doctoral Program of Accounting Sciences Universitas Airlangga, as the main resource person. The event was hosted by Mochammad Ilyas Junjunan, a student of the Doctoral Program in Accounting Universitas Airlangga, and began with a solemn opening. The opening speech was delivered by Deputy Chairman of Hima PDIA UNAIR, Sendy Dwi Haryanto.

This activity was attended by 124 participants from the FEB UNAIR accounting doctoral program as well as students from various other universities, such as Darma Cendika Catholic University, Muhammadiyah University of Jember, PGRI Madiun University, PGRI Adi Buana University, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, STIE Madani Madani Balikpapan, Uniba Madura, and UH Perbanas. The participants showed high enthusiasm in listening to various tips and tricks in order to publish articles in an international journal.

Strategy penetrating international journals

The first TTS session was opened with material exposure by Dr. Astrid Maharani, who explained various important aspects in scientific publications, especially related to the Journal of Cogen Business & Management. Some of the main points discussed include:

  • Build an academic ecosystem that supports writing and publication productivity.
    • Determine the journal target in accordance with the profile and competency of the author.
    • Using academic English with high standards, including utilizing proofreading services.
    • Scientific writing structure, ranging from abstracts, research methods, results, to conclusions.

scopus 3 feb uaDr. Astrid also conducts article surgery to explain the structure of publication and emphasize the importance of displaying novelty or novelty of research. He highlighted that the clarity of data and samples must be arranged systematically in accordance with the intended journal rules. In addition, the research method must be explained in detail and follow the advice of the reviewer.

According to him, good research not only presents results, but must also show a contribution to the development of theory and practice. To increase publication opportunities, the author is also advised to do self-citation of articles that have been published in the intended journal.

Dr. Astrid asserted that each individual has different stages and achievements. Therefore, students are reminded to focus on the process and not compare themselves with others. He also encouraged participants to keep the spirit to face every challenge in scientific publications.

Interactive Submit and Question and Answer Process

In the second session, the resource person explained the process and stages of the article submission to the Journal of Cogen Business & Management, including the required documents. This session was followed by an interactive discussion, where participants actively asked questions related to proofreading, complete data in the submission process, as well as how to arrange an attractive introduction for the reviewer.

Dr. Astrid gives a direct example in answering each question, so that participants get applicative feedback. He also stressed that a good introduction must present the analysis of weaknesses from previous research to strengthen the urgency of research conducted.

Impact and contribution to Indonesian academics

This TTS activity provides concrete benefits for improving scientific publication skills. With the improvement of the quality of academic publications, the competitiveness of Indonesia's academics at the global level will be stronger. It also opens greater opportunities for researchers in obtaining research funding and scholarships (no poverty).

Furthermore, access to better academic resources is expected to increase contributions to science and public policy, which in turn has a broad impact on poverty alleviation. This activity also encourages cooperation in research and scientific publications (partnership for the goals), with the formation of close partnership between academics, universities, and global scientific communities.

Overall, this activity contributes directly in increasing the capacity of Indonesia's academics in writing and publishing quality scientific articles (quality education), which will ultimately strengthen the position of Indonesia's academics in the international world.