Assalamulaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh...
In essence, women have a big role in national civilization, women are even said to be the pillars of civilization, because women can change a civilization just with their hands, and it is said that a great nation can be determined by the morals of women in their time.

Considering the very important role of a woman, a Muslim woman is required to be broad-minded and have adequate skills. Therefore, the MOSAIC FEB UNAIR Muslim Affairs Division facilitates FEB UNAIR Muslim students by holding MUSLIMAH DAY activities every Friday in which there are various series of events such as studies which discuss tips for becoming true Muslim women, creative Muslim women which accommodate Muslim women to hone their creativity. , and the last one is Friday sharing which contains da'wah to encourage FEB Muslim women to become better. Through this activity, it is hoped that participants will be able to take advantage of it and apply it in their daily lives.