Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Ikhwah fillah?? FALAH (Sharia Economics Scientific Festival) 2018 by AcSES FEB Unair presents:

✨BUSINESS WORKSHOP✨ with the theme "Young-Creativepreneur in the Digital Era"
? Date: Saturday, 22 September 2018
? Place: Fadjar Notonegoro Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Campus B, Universitas Airlangga
? Time: 08.00 - 14.30 WIB

?Students :
?Presale 1 — IDR 30,000❌ (SOLD)
?Presale 2 — IDR 35,000
?OTS — IDR 50,000
?General : IDR 50,000

1. Prof. Dr. Dahlan Iskan (Minister of BUMN for the 2011-2014 period)
2. Delvino Mahsavarenza (Founder of Itsbana Chips) *Business Model Canvas (BMC) Training @delvinomahsavareza
3. Dalu Nuzlul Kirom (CEO Ternaknesia) @ternaknesia

Syafril Riza (Founder Today Solution and Passion Enthusiast) @syafrilriza

?Seminar kit
?Certificate (with SKP)

- Fill out the form at
- Transfer account to BNI Syariah 1200320016 an AcSES FEB Unair
- Or come to our booth at the corner of FEB UNAIR
- Confirm payment: Dwi Kurnia, Line: dwikur_
sms/wa: 082139213701

Contact Person:
☎Katon (line: arif_kathon / wa: 089523807691)
☎Syafika (line: Safsafika / wa: 082147296368)

Come on, register yourself immediately and become a Young Creativepreneur today!
Limited quota!? Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.
Further information:
Instagram: @falahunair
Line: @jve0207x ——————————
Seminar #SemNasSurabaya