welcome party eradio feb unairDescription of welcome party activities for members and administrators of E-Radio, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga for the 2024 period which took place on 27 February 2024, aimed at introducing UKF E-Radio to new members and strengthening relationships between members and administrators in achieving common goals. This activity will be carried out offline in the FEB UNAIR building.

The introduction of UKF E-Radio in this event is a step to support the achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), especially SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and 17 (Partnership for the Goals). Through the introduction of UKF E-Radio, members and administrators will be given the opportunity to engage in practical learning that supports the development of communication skills, creativity and team collaboration, which is in line with the goals of SDGs 4.
In addition, this activity also strengthens partnerships between members and E-management -Radio, which is an implementation of SDGs 17. Collaboration between members and administrators in the management and development of UKF E-Radio will strengthen synergy and increase organizational effectiveness in achieving common goals to make a positive contribution to the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga and the surrounding community.