Course unit title

Monetary Economics and Banking

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

Second cycle Master

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

Year 1

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

Semester 2

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 ects

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Dr. Rudi Purwono, M.SE., M.Sc  
  2. Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., M.Sc
  3. Dr. Wasiaturrahma, SE., M.Si

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After taking this course students are able to:

  1. Application of theory, empirical modeling, and policies related to monetary and banking policies.
  2. Presenting alternative related policy frameworks in a concise, clear and methodical manner.
  3. Critically assess policy choices, particularly the strengths and weaknesses of the underlying theory (including the first assumptions made) and their empirical relevance.
  4. Analyze monetary and banking problems using the most appropriate model for the context.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

- Face to face (offline), LCD, PC, Whiteboard and or

- Distance learning (online)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

The course provides (1) analytical tools and empirical models for research in the monetary and banking fields to have a good understanding of the basic concepts of monetary and banking economics, empirical theories and models covering money demand and money supply, loan demand and supply, monetary policy and its transmission to the economy, monetary policy framework, inflation, central banking, financial and banking sectors and financial system stability; (2) train students to think critically about optimal monetary policy principles; (3) develop students' discovery ability. In learning, the latest news and issues in the global economy are emphasized so that students can know the latest developments in the global economy related to monetary and banking.

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. Perry Warjiyo and Solikin M. Juhro. Central Bank Policy: Theory and Practice, Rajawali Press, 2016
  2. Wals, Carl E. Monetary Theory and Policy, Cambridge, MIT Press R Macroeconomics. 9th Edition. WordPublisher
  3. Warjiyo, P., & Agung, J. (Eds.). (2002). Transmission Mechanisms of Monetary Policy in Indonesia. Directorate of Economic Research and Monetary Policy, Bank Indonesia.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Teaching (Classical Method), Presentation, Discussion, Paper, case-based method

Language of instruction

In Bahasa (Indonesian Language) and English

Assessment methods and criteria

Mid Exam (50%) and Final Exam (50%)