Andika Kaya, Accounting student class of 2019, succeeded in making a mark as 1st Place for Men in the 2021 Universitas Airlangga Ambassador selection event. During his tenure, the man who is familiarly called Diko will be UNAIR's representative in various activities and will have the opportunity to be an MC, moderator and speaker at various events. 

This man whose full name is Made Bagus Tutuan Andika Kaya said that the motivation to become a better individual, get out of his comfort zone, and spread positive energy was what encouraged him to take part in the UNAIR Ambassador Election. Diko believes that UNAIR Ambassadors are the right forum for him to process to become better and develop relationships.

The UNAIR Ambassador selection series is divided into two stages, the first stage consists of focus group discussions ( FGD), written tests, and interviews. Meanwhile, the second stage consists of an aptitude test, presentation and deph-interview. After going through a series of selections, 18 Airlangga Knights were selected to become UNAIR Ambassador Finalists. Together with 17 other finalists, Diko then carried out quarantine regarding insights about UNAIR, public speaking, grooming, branding, and so on online. “Askara Airlangga” is the big theme of this year's UNAIR Ambassador event, where there is great hope that all UNAIR Ambassador Finalists will be able to represent the brilliance Universitas Airlangga .

The UNAIR Ambassador Grand Final was held on April 11 2021, and Made Bagus Tutuan Andika Kaya (1st Place for Men) and Lintang Elin Massita (1st Place for Women) were selected. Competing with finalists who were no less great did not make Diko pessimistic. This man who was born in Denpasar has a proud portfolio and makes him worthy of being the main champion. Apart from being active in education and organizations, Diko is a novel writer, namely Spooky Stories: The Dormitory (2015) and The Next Creator! (2017), and has been actively involved in community service activities with a concentration on fighting for children's rights since he was in high school. Diko, who recently celebrated his 20th birthday, often advocates and initiates a number of activities to listen to what children need, collaborating with various stakeholders to facilitate children's needs.

Apart from that, Diko also has many achievements including the 2021 KBMI funding by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture; 2nd Place in ITS Expo Business Case Competition 2021; Best Poster Accrued 2021 by the East Java Young Indonesian Accountants Association; 1st Place in the 2020 Ikamala UNAIR Essay Competition; Best Group of Asian Youth Summit 2020; The Honorable Mention of FEB Most Inspiring Student 2020; 1st Place in Indonesian Language Debate Competition FEB JUARA 2020; 2nd Place in PKM FEB CHAMPION 2020 Competition; and 3rd place in the 2020 Internal Accounting Competition.

Apart from being busy with lecture activities and carrying out his mandate as UNAIR Ambassador, Diko was also entrusted with being ICONx Bank OCBC NISP to spread brand awareness . Apart from that, Diko actively participates in several organizations such as UKM ADS, UKMKHD, and Lingkar Sinergi. Diko proves that being busy is not an obstacle to continuing to achieve. Diko advised that knowing one's potential and having self-confidence is the key to success. “Know the potential that friends have. There's no need to feel doubtful about your own abilities and don't compare yourself to other people's success. Just focus on yourself and become the best version to achieve your dreams," said Diko.

This man, who has a hobby of reading and writing novels, aspires to become a lecturer so he has a target of graduating on time and immediately continuing his master's education. To realize this dream, Diko plans to be actively involved in various activities to gain experience in improving his soft skills and hard skills This is achieved by knowing what one's potential is, setting goals, and living out those goals sincerely.