• Name: Bambang Eko Afiatno
  • E-mail:


  • Econometrics
  • Statistics
  • Research methods
  • Economic math


  • Master of Economics, Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia
  • Japanese and Pacific Economics Course at Osaka International University, Hirakatashi, Osaka, Japan
  • Transportation Economics Course at PAU-Ek-UI Jakarta
  • Decision Making Course at PAU-Ek-UI Jakarta
  • Regional & Industrial Economics Course at PAU-Ek-UI Jakarta
  • Human Resource Economics Course at PAU-Ek-UI Jakarta
  • Bachelor of Economics (S-1), Economics & Development Studies, Faculty of Economics Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya





  • Econometrics
  • Statistics
  • Research methods
  • Economic math
  • Modeling Economics
  • Regional Planning Economics
  • Tourism Economics
  • Transportation Economics


  • Industrialization on the Island of Java, PAU-Ek-UI, Jakarta, 1988.
  • Analysis of the Indonesian Socio-Economic Accounts System 1980, PAU-Ek-UI, Jakarta, 1989.
  • Income Distribution: SNSE Model, Lemlit Unair, Surabaya, 1989.
  • Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Accounting Education in SMEA Accounting Department: Case Study in East Java, PPPA Dikti Depdikbud & FE Unair, Surabaya, 1990.
  • General Balance Structure in the Socio-Economic Balance System in Indonesia, Lemlit Unair, Surabaya, 1990.
  • Projection of Motor Vehicle Title Transfer Fee Revenue in East Java, East Java Tk.I Dispenda and PMP FE Unair, Surabaya, 1991.
  • Preparation of Guidelines for Entrepreneurs for Weak Economic Groups in East Java, Economic Bureau Tk. I East Java & FE Unair, Surabaya, 1992.
  • Employment Profile in PMDN/PMA Projects in East Java, BKPMD Tk.I East Java & Unair FE Demographic Assessment Center, Surabaya, 1992.
  • the Jointing Board Wood Industry in Kediri, PT Ekadana, Surabaya, 1992
  • Marketing Strategy for Products/Services of Perum Post and Giro in Central Java, DI Yogyakarta, East Java and Bali, Puslitbang Perum Pos & Giro - FE Unair, Surabaya, 1993.
  • Application of Management Accounting in State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Accounting System Development Center (PPSA) Ministry of Finance - State College of Accountancy (STAN) - FE Unair, 1993.
  • Study of Financial Analysis for Making Ship Operational Decisions at Interisland Shipping Companies, collaboration between TKPA (Accounting Development Coordination Team) Ministry of Finance and FE-Unair, 1993.
  • Application of the AHP Model in Recruiting Human Resources in the Accounting Field, FE-Unair and Accounting Development Coordination Team (TKPA), 1994.
  • Comparative Study between the Perceptions of Accounting Workforce Users and the Expectations of Accounting Majoring Students regarding the Work Environment in the Accounting Field, Accounting Development Coordination Team (TKPA)-Directorate General of Higher Education-Department of Education and Culture and FE-UNAIR, Surabaya, 1994.
  • Analysis of Educator Accountant Behavior in Career Achievement as a Teacher in Higher Education and as a Professional Accountant, Accounting Development Coordination Team (TKPA)-Directorate General of Higher Education-Department of Education and Culture and FE-UNAIR, Surabaya, 1994.
  • Application of the AHP Model in Recruiting Human Resources in the Accounting Field, FE-Unair and Accounting Development Coordination Team (TKPA), 1994.
  • Research on Population Migration in Level II Regions in East Java: Case Study of Disadvantaged Villages, collaboration with Bappeda Level I and LPPMS, 1994-1995.
  • Trade and Transport: Intermode Transport Development for Promoting Export from Java , collaboration with PAU-Ek-UI, FE-Unair, and Lemlit ITS, 1994-1995.
  • Efficiency and Productivity of Tanjung Priok Port, collaboration between the Faculty of Marine Technology-ITS and PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II, 1995-1996.
  • Study on the Imposition of Regional Taxes on Telecommunication Service Users, Dispenda Tk. I East Java and FE-Unair, 1996.
  • Soft Drink Product Market Survey at Retailer Level in the Municipality of Surabaya, PT Buana Distrindo-Distributor of Pepsi, Surabaya, 1996.
  • Determining Business Scale Using the Profit Function Approach: Case Study of Farming in East Java, Lemlit-UNAIR, 1997.
  • Feasibility Study of Development and Operation of a CPO Liquid Bulk Terminal in Central Kalimantan, collaboration between PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III, Maritime Research Center-Lemlit-ITS, and P3M-FE-UNAIR, 1997.
  • Analysis of the Development of Economic Studies for Development Planning Needs in Repelita VII in East Java, P3M-FE-UNAIR and Bappeda Level I East Java. Surabaya, 1998.
  • Feasibility Study of Water Reclamation in the West Nilam Area of ​​Tanjung Perak for the Construction and Operation of Dry Bulk Terminals and Liquid Bulk Terminals, collaboration between PT Aneka Terminal Curah Surabaya, PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III, Puslit Kelutan-Lemlit-ITS, and P3M-FE-UNAIR , 1998.
  • Macro Aspects in Preparing Long Term Plans 1997 - 2001 PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero), PTPN XI and P3M-FE-UNAIR, 1998.
  • The Idea of ​​a Partnership Pattern between Sugar Factories and People's Sugarcane Farmers at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero): A Theoretical Review, PTPN XI and P3M-FE-UNAIR, 1998.
  • Macro Aspects in Preparing Long Term Plans 1999 - 2003 PT SIER (Persero), PT SIER and P3M-FE-UNAIR, 1998.
  • Economic Projections and Development Sectors of Repelita VII Ponorogo Regency, P3M-FE-UNAIR and Bappeda Level II Ponorogo Regency, 1998-1999.
  • Profile and Future Policy Strategy of Nganjuk Regency and VII Five Year Development Plan for Dati II Nganjuk Regency 1999/2000-2003/2004, P3M-FE-UNAIR and Bappeda Nganjuk Regency, 1999.
  • Training Needs Assessment and Analysis Study at PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III, PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III and P3M-FE-UNAIR, 1998-1999.
  • Environmental Analysis, Processes and Business Prospects of Surabaya Post, PT Surabaya Post and P3M-FE-UNAIR, 1999.
  • Analysis of Demand and Supply of Timber Forest Products in East Java, P3M-FE-UNAIR and Department of Forestry and Plantation, East Java Regional Office Level I, 2000.
  • Development of Domestic Marketing/Export of Wood - Non-Wood Forest Products in East Java, P3M-FE-UNAIR and Department of Forestry and Plantation, East Java Regional Office Level I, 2000.
  • Identification of Disadvantaged Areas and Potentials in the Archipelago Region in East Java: Pre-Regional Development Planning, CRD-ITS (Lemlit-ITS) and East Java Bappeda, 2000.
  • Study of Price Formation in the Transportation Sector in Indonesia, Lemlit-ITS and National Economic Council (DEN), Jakarta, 2000.
  • Sidoarjo Regency Investment Profile: Preliminary Feasibility Study of Development of the Sidoarjo Regency SME Business Activity Center, CRD-ITS (Lemlit-ITS) and Sidoarjo Regency Bappeda, 2000.
  • Extension-Education: Partnership Pattern between Sugar Factories & People's Sugarcane Farmers at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero), P3M-FE-UNAIR & PTPN XI (Persero), 2000.
  • Education and Monitoring ( Monitoring ) of PUKK-BUMN Credit to People's Sugarcane Farmer Groups at PT Perkebunan Nusantara XI (Persero), P3M-FE-UNAIR and PTPN XI (Persero), 2000/2001.
  • Development of Resource Potential of the Karimunjawa Islands: Regional Development Pre-Planning, Marine FT, ITS - Surabaya and Director General of Coasts, Beaches and Small Islands (P3K) - Dept. Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, 2000/2001.
  • Preparation of Measurement Model and Criteria for Cadre Performance and Community Participation in UKMK Development, Universitas Airlangga Research Institute (Lemlit-Unair) and Cooperative and Small and Medium Enterprises Resource Development Agency (BPS-KPKM)-Depkop, Jakarta, 2001.
  • Study of Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, and Consumer Ability-Willingness to Pay for Sea Transport and Ferry Services in Indonesia, Research Institute (Lemlit) - ITS, Surabaya and Indonesian Consumers Institute Foundation (YLKI) Jakarta, 2001-2002 .
  • Evaluation of the 2001 East Java Spatial and Regional Planning (RTRW), Department of Architectural Engineering-FTSP-ITS-Lemlit ITS and East Java Bappeda, 2001-2002.
  • Macroeconomic and Regional Aspects in the Study of the Merger Plan of PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia IV with PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III, PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia III, Lemlit ITS and Lemlit-UNAIR, 2002-2003.
  • Preparation of Projections of the Socio-Economic Conditions of the City of Surabaya up to 2010, Surabaya City Planning and Development Agency (BAPEKKO Surabaya) and Lemlit-UNAIR, 2003.
  • Study of Management Guidelines and Assessment of the Success of Pilot Transport, Research and Development of the Department of Transportation and ITS Faculty of Marine Technology, Marine Transportation Laboratory-ITS, 2003.
  • Revision of the Regional Spatial Plan for East Java Province, BAPPEPROP East Java with ITS Lemlit, 2003-2004.
  • Preparation of the Grand Economic Development Scenario as a Development Strategy for the East Java Region, BAPPEPROP East Java and Lemlit-Unair, 2004.
  • Preparation of Tatranas (National Transportation Order), Research and Development Department of Transportation and ITS Faculty of Marine Technology, Marine Transportation Laboratory-ITS, 2004.
  • Study of the Compilation of the Small Islands Development Index in Indonesia, FT Maritime Affairs, Marine Transportation Laboratory-ITS-Surabaya and Director General of Coasts, Beaches and Small Islands (P3K) - Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, 2004.
  • Study of the Impact of the Development of the NPP-Desalination Plant in Madura on the Regional Economic Sector, LPKM-Unair and the Nuclear Energy Development Center (P2EN) National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), 2004.
  • Assistance and Development Program for Integrated Business Licensing and Investment Services Units in Magetan Regency, East Java, The Asia Foundation, Magetan Regency Government, and Universitas Airlangga Research Institute, 2004-2005.
  • Preparation of Substance Synchronization of Policy Directions for the Regional Spatial Plan of East Java Province, LPPM-ITS and East Java Provincial Development Planning Agency, 2005.
  • Decomposition of East Java Regional Economic Growth from Regional Government, Private and External Influences, SP4-IESP Program Research Grant (Program Planning and Budgeting System-Economic Sciences and Development Studies) 2005, collaboration with the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta and Department of Economics and Development Studies, Faculty of Economics Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, 2005.
  • Study on the Provision of Funds for Maintenance of Transportation Infrastructure in the Context of Maintaining and Guaranteeing the Reliability of Transportation Services, LPPM-ITS and Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2005.
  • Strategy for Fulfilling Pertamina's Sea Transport Tonnage Needs until 2015, LPPM-ITS and PT Pertamina (Persero), Jakarta, 2005-2006.
  • Causality Relationship between Energy Consumption and Economic Activities in Indonesia, FE-UI-Postgraduate Program, Department of Economics, Depok (2005-2006).
  • Research on Potential Regional Original Income (PAD) in the Sector of Hotel Tax and Restaurant Tax, collaboration between ISEID and Balitbang Surabaya City Government, 2006.
  • Preparation of Licensing Service Development Plan and Minimum Service Standards (SPM) for Licensing, collaboration between ISEID and Surabaya City Government Research and Development Agency, 2006.
  • The Role of Teacher Quality, School Quality, and Student Demographic Conditions on the Quality of Basic Education Delivery in East Java, collaboration between LPPM-UNAIR and Research and Development Ministry of National Education RI-Jakarta, 2006
  • Development of Teacher Competency Test Model - High School, collaboration between ISEID and Balitbang Depdiknas RI-Jakarta, 2007.
  • Towards a Culture of Safety at Sea: Analysis of the Safety and Security of Maritime Transportation and Ferrying in Indonesia (Policy Research), collaboration between ISEID and BPKN (Consumer Protection Agency), Jakarta, 2007.
  • Improved Services at Juanda International Airport, collaboration between YLPK – East Java (Consumer Protection Institute Foundation – East Java), Surabaya and YLKI (Indonesian Consumer Institute Foundation), Jakarta, 2007.
  • Entrepreneurship Research through Cooperative Models in East Java: Poverty Alleviation Model, ISEID collaboration; LPKM-University of Jember; and East Java Provincial Research and Development Agency, 2007.
  • Study of Intermodal Container Transport on the Java - Sumatra Corridor, Marine Transportation Laboratory, Department of Shipping Engineering-Faculty of Marine Technology-ITS and Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, 2007.
  • Calculation and Socialization of Unit Education Costs in the City of Surabaya: Basic Level Education, Department of Economics-Faculty of Economics, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya and Surabaya City Government Education Service, 2008 (in progress).
  • National Fuel Economic Price Study: Alpha and Fuel Distribution-Logistics Analysis, Marine Transportation Laboratory, Department of Marine Engineering - Faculty of Marine Technology - ITS; LPPM-ITS; and the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), Jakarta, 2008 (in negotiation process).
  • The Role of Sea Transportation in Economic Development through Distribution-Logistics Patterns with IRIO ( Inter-regional Input-Output ) Analysis, collaboration between ISEID and PT PELNI (Persero), Jakarta, 2008 (in the negotiation process).
  • Study of the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Development of the Tobacco Products Industry: Analysis of Changes in the Excise Structure of the Tobacco Products Industry - November 2021;
  • Study of Calculation of Upper Limit Tariffs for Freight Transport in the Implementation of Public Service Obligations in the Sector of Sea Transport for Economy Class Passengers – December 2021


  • Department of Economics, Universitas Airlangga Lecturer (1987-present)
  • Visiting Researcher at ISEID (The Institute for Social, Economic, and Industrial Development), Surabaya (2003-present)
  • Research Staff at the Universitas Airlangga Community Service Institute (LPKM-UNAIR) (2003 – 2004)
  • Research Staff at the Institute for Research and Community Service, Universitas Airlangga (LPPM-UNAIR) (2000 – Present)
  • Guest Researcher at CRD-Lemlit-ITS (UP3D-LPPM-ITS) (1995 – Present)
  • Visiting Researcher at the Marine Transportation Laboratory-Faculty of Marine Technology-ITS
  • Research Staff at P3M-FE-UNAIR (1996 – 2000)
  • Expert Staff at the Surabaya Management Education and Development Institute (LPPMS) (1994 – 1995)
  • Expert Staff at business consulting and research company PT Prasara Ekada Karyaya, Surabaya (1993 – 1995)
  • Research Staff at the Center for Demographic Studies-FE-UNAIR (1991 – 1996)
  • Extraordinary Lecturer (FMIPA-ITS Statistics and FE-Narotama University) (1986 – 1991)
  • Assistant Dean III Faculty of Economics, Narotama Univ. Surabaya (1986 – 1989)