• Dian Agustia

  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need Javascript enabled to view it.




  • 2005 : Doctoral in Accounting, Universitas Airlangga 

  • 1995 : Master in Accounting, Universitas Airlangga 

  • 1987: Profession in Accountants

  • 1987 : Bachelor in Accounting, Universitas Airlangga




  • Financial Accounting, Management Accounting


  • Management Accounting, Sustainability Accounting, Corporate Governance


2020 :

- Keynote Speaker for Master of Accounting Student WEBINAR

- Certified Author of Dissertation "The Effect of Optimism and Risk Preference on Stickiness Disability: Upper Echelon Perspective"

- Keynote Speaker of Focus Group Discussion "Implementation of the MBKM Curriculum - in the Accounting Undergraduate Study Program"

- keynote speaker of Workshop and National Conference "The Role of Accountants in Formulating Strategies for the Financial Sector and Creative Economy in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period"

2019 :

- Speaker in national seminar and launching of the Central Java region accounting lecturer forum entitled "The Impact of The Industrial Revolution 4.0 on The Role of Accounting Education"

- Speaker at the National Seminar & Launching of the Central Java Regional Accounting Lecturer Forum "The Impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 on the Role of Accounting Education"

- Keynote Speaker in "You'll be in Demand As A Management Accountant: Sustainability and the Role of Management Accountants"

- Speaker in "Seminar Industrial Curriculum Needs and Discussion Forum for Applied Accounting Master Curriculum Group"

- Presenter at Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA)

2018 :

- Participant in Export Import Business Online Training, Indonesian Ministry of Trade

- Supervisor of proposal and thesis writing of Master Accounting of Nurazmi Safitri Haris, Erwin Samplealong, Meylinda Sulfiana P, Umar, Anggita Permata Y, and Ahmad Choiri A.