Course unit titles


Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 – 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The 2nd Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3.2 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit


Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR platform)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Pancasila and Citizenship courses discuss about the issues regarding the relevance of Citizenship education; Identification of the Nation-State Problem; State relations with citizens; Democracy Model; State and Constitution: State Institutions; The State and the Constitution: The State Administration System; Society, Nation and State: Rights and Duties of Citizens; Indonesian Democracy; Human Rights and the Rule of Law for Indonesian Territorial Insights, Regional Autonomy and Globalization; Geostrategy

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. Adib, Mohammad, Listiyono Santoso, dan Ajar Triharso. 2013. Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan: Sebuah Pengantar Membangun Karakter Bangsa. Surabaya: Airlangga University Press.
  2. Adib, Mohammad. 2016 (Cet. Kedua). Bangunlah Jiwanya, Bangunlah Bangsanya: Penguatan Karakter Bangsa dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Surabaya: Saga dan Direktorat Pendidikan Universitas Airalanga.
  3. Kemenristek Dikti, Ditjen Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan. 2016. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk Perguruan Tinggi. (Cet. I). Dirjen Dikti.
  4. Kemendikbud, Dirjen Dikti, 2010, Pendidikan Anti-Korupsi untuk Perguruan Tinggi, Jakarta: Kemendikbud
  5. Oommen, T, 2009, Kewarganegaraan, Kebangsaan dan Etnisitas, Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana
  6. Srijanti, dkk, 2009, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan untuk Mahasiswa, Jakarta: Graha Ilmu
  7. Sutrisno, Slamet, 2006, Filsafat dan Ideologi Pancasila, Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi
  8. Tim ICCE UIN Jakarta, 2003, Demokrasi, HAM dan Masyarakat Madani, Jakarta: Prenada Media
  9. Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 (Hasil Amandemen).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, discussions, presentations, projects

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm exam (30%)

Final Exam (30%)

Assignment (40%)

Course unit title

Change Management

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course unit (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program 

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Sixth Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Dian Ekowati, Ph.D
  2. Nuri Herachwati, Dr.,Dra.Ec.,M.Si.,M.Sc
  3. Ida Bagus Gede Adi Permana, SE.,M.Sc

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, students are expected to be able to explain various forms of approaches to change, managerial roles in various forms of organizational change, as well as forms of control and formation or development.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)

Human Resource Management

Course content

1. Introduction to change management

2. An understanding of the important issues in change and the image behind the role of operations and supply chain managers in change.

3. Why organizations change

4. Changes in the organization

5. Diagnosing changes

6. Resistance to change.

7. Implementation of changes: with OD, AI, and Positive Organizational Scholarship, (POS) and Sense-Making approaches.

8. Implementation of changes with the Change . approach

Management, Contingency and Processual.

9. Connecting vision and change

10. Strategies communicate change and the skills required for change according to different images.

11. How to stabilize change.

12. General conclusions and emphasis on important issues.

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

Palmer, I,, Richard Dunford, and Gib Akin, (2009). Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach. 2nd Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill. (PDA)

Cummings, Thomas G. and Christopher c. Worley, (2009).

Organization Development & Change. Australia: South-Western, Chengage Learning. (CW)

Lee, William W. and Karl J, Krayer, (2003). Organizing Change: An Inclusive, Systemic Approach to Maintain Productivity and Achieve Results. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. (LK)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, Discussions, and Quizzes

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Mid-term & Final exam (50%), Assignments / Papers (15%), Quizzes (15%), Activities Class (20%)

Course unit title

Catholicism II

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course unit (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 – 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Seventh Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3.2 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

Pastor Yuventius Devi Ghawa

Learning outcomes of the course unit

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to implement the principles of reasoning and Catholic moral ethics in maintaining the integrity of God's creation according to their knowledge and profession.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)

Catholicism I

Course content

a) Module 1: Principles of Catholic Conscience, Ethics and Morals,

b) Module 2: Implementation of the Church's Social Teachings in accordance with science and profession.

c) Module 3: Spirituality of Catholic Scholars facing problems in society

d) Module 4: Community Problems and Solutions: Catholicism as the answer to the universal order of life.

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

Pandin,   Moses   G,   2009,   Bahan   Ajar Pendidikan Agama Katolik I,MKWU, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

Sniegochi, 2009. Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization. Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Allsopp, M.E. 1999. Ethics and The Catechism of The Catholic Church. University of Scranton Press, USA

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, Discussions, and Quizzes

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Assignments (20%), Mid-term exam (20%), Final exam (20%), Reports (40%)

Course unit titles

Catholic Religion I

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program  

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 – 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The first Semester of Bachelor Study 

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3.2 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing the course, the students are expected to be able to: 

  1. Implement various ways to strengthen Faith and Taqwa
  2.  Develop a noble character 
  3. Reflect Catholic teaching as the basis principles to think and behave  in the development of science and profession.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Catholic Religious Education I is given by referring to the principles of

Student Centered Learning (SCL), the course discusses about the followings:

  1. Module 1: The concept of God in Catholicism, Faith, and piety, Implementation of Faith and Piety in Modern Life. b).
  2. Module 2: Belief in the Bible, the Sacraments and the Liturgy
  3. Module 3: Catholic Spirituality
  4. Module 4: Social Teaching of the Church as the implementation of faith
  5. Module 5: Dialogue and Harmony between religions
  6. Module 6: Faith and Socio-Politics, Law, Human Rights, and Democracy
  7. Module 7: Faith and Science and Technology
  8. Module 8: Faith, Culture, and Multiculturalism

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. KemenRistekdikti, 2016, Pendidikan Agama Katolik Untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Cetakan 1, Direktorat Jenderal Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia. Jakarta
  2. Pandin, M.G.R., 2016, Hand Out Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Agama Katolik I, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
  3. Pandin, M.G.R., 2017, Buku ajar Mata Kuliah Pendidikan Agama Katolik I, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
  4. Alkitab Deutrokanonika, Ende: Nusa Indah
  5. Cunningham: Introduction to Catholicsm.
  6. Dokumen Ajaran sosial Gereja lainnya dari sumber Gereja Katolik.
  7. KWI, Iman Katolik: Buku Informasi dan referensi, Yogyakarta: Kanisius
  8. Universitas Airlangga, Character Universitas Airlangga: Bahan PPKMB 2013

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, Discussions, Exercises, Assignments

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm exam (30%) & Final Exam (40%), Assignments (30%)


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm & Final examinations (60%), Paper Assignments (25%),  and Classroom Activities (15%)

Course unit titles

Business Statistics II

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 – 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The 2nd Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Prof. Dr. Tanti Handriana, SE., MSi.
  2. Chorry Sulistyowati, S.E., M.Sc.
  3. Dr. Yetty Dwi Lestari, SE., MT.
  4. Agus Aan Ardiansyah, S.KM., M.Si.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, the students are expected to be able to apply statistical methods appropriately to conduct research and complete their thesis.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR platform)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

1. Introduction to Business Statistics II,

2-3. Test & Chi Square,

4-5. ANOVA and MANOVA,

6. Factor Analysis,

7-8. Cluster Analysis & Multi-Dimensional Sc Correlation,

9-10. Multiple Regression and Logistic Regression,

11.12. Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS).

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. Hair J.F., W. C. Black, B. J. Babin, and R. E. Anderson, 2014, Multivariate Data Analysis, 7th edition, Pearson, USA.
  2. Lind; D.A.; W.G. Marchal, & S.A. Wathen, 2012, Statistical Technique in Business & Economics, 15th edition, McGraw Hill/Irwin, USA.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, quizzes, group assignments, and presentations.

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm exam 30%; Final Exam 30%; Quiz 10%; 

Class Activities 10%

Course unit titles

Business Statistics I

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The 3rd Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

Sri Gunawan, DBA

Tanti Handriana, Prof.Dr.,SE.,M.Si

Gancar Candra Premananto, Dr.,SE.,M.Si

Dien Mardhiyah, Dr.,SE.,M.Si

Rahmat Heru Setianto, SE.,M.Sc

Agus Aan Ardiansyah, S.KM.,M.Kes

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing the course, the students are expected to be able to apply statistical methods appropriately to conduct research and complete their thesis.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR platform)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Introduction to Business Statistics I, t & Chi Square Test, ANOVA and MANOVA, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis & Multi-Dimensional Sc Correlation, Multiple Regression and Logistics Regression, Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) mutual (MDS).

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

Joseph F. Hair, Jr., William C. Black, Barry J. Babin, Rolph E. Anderson, Ronald L. Tatham, 2010, Multivariate Data Analysis, seventh Edition, Pearson Education, New Jersey (HAIR);

Levin & Rubin, Statistics for Manager, Prentice Hall, New

Jersey (LEVIN)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The class is conducted  inclassical lectures, quizzes, group assignments (each group consisting of 3-5 students) according to the lecture’s topic as well as presenting and discussing the results of the given assignments to the class.

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm exam 30%

Final Exam 30%

10% Quiz

Class Activities 10%

Course unit titles

Business Process Management

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The 5th Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Nurullaily Kartika, SE.,MBA
  2. Hermawanto, Drs.,MBA.,M.Sc
  3. Dien Mardhiyah, Dr.,SE.,M.Si
  4. Puspandam Katias, Drs.,MM
  5. Ratri Amelia Aisyah, SM.,MSM

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing Business Process Management course, the students are expected to gain the following competencies:

  1. Recognizing various weaknesses of organizational management by using a functional approach. 
  2. Being accustomed  to using a horizontal approach starting from realizing the benefits in order to successfully answer the weaknesses of functional organizations and  to be able to explain, present, and develop business processesin the company.
  3. Designing horizontal organizations.
  4. Developing performance measurement systems.
  5. Improving performance through improving business processes. 
  6. Explaining contemporary concepts

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR platform)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Business Process Management Learning discusses about the followings:


2.Organizational processes and managerial processes

3. Organizational processes and managerial processes (continued)

4.Antecedents of Business Process Management

5.Business Process Development Overview

6.Company business processes and performance measurement certification

7.Review, Contemporary Material (1): Overview

Reengineering Corporation and Co-opetition

8.Contemporary material (2): Hypercompetition

9. Contemporary material (3): Hypercompetition (continued)

10.Contemporary material (4)

11.Contemporary material (5)

12. Recent issues in business process management

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

Garvin, DA (2002). General management: Process and action.

New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. (GDA)

Harrington, HJ, Esseling, EK, & Van Nimwegen, H. (1997).

Business process improvement workbook: Documentation, analysis, design, and management of business process improvement. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. (HEN)

Andersen, B. (2001). Business Process improvement toolbox.

New York, NY: McGraw Hill. (AB)

Galbraith, JR (1995). Designing organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. (GJR)

Slack, N., & Lewis, M. (2002). Operations strategy. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall. (SL)

Rummler, GA, & Brache, AP (1995) Improving performance.

San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publisher. (RB)

Brown, MG (2005). Baldridge award winning quality. New

York, NY: Productivity Press. (BMG)

D'Aveni, RA (1994). Hypercompetition. New York, NY: The

Free Press. (VIRGIN)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Classical Lectures, Presentations, Discussions, Quizzes, and Assignments.

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm & Final Exams (50%), Presentation Papers (30%), Quizzes (10%) and Class activities (10%)

Course unit title

Business Practices and Exhibitions

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course unit (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle Bachelor

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Sixth Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Noorlaily Fitdiarini, SE.,MBA.
  2. Raras Kirana Wandira, SE., MBA., MM
  3. Erika Sefila Putri, SM., MSM
  4. Afifah Rahmania, S.Hub.Int.,MPSDM.
  5. Syafril Riza, SE., MM.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, students are expected to be able to comprehend and explain the correct concept of exhibition; implement existing events or project management in micro, small and medium enterprises.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)

Business Planning, Entrepreneurship

Course content

What is Project Management?

Systems Development Cycle & Project Conception

Project Time Planning & Networks Cost Estimating & Budgeting Project Quality Management

Project Organization Structure & Integration

Introduction to Trade Fair

Strategy for Exhibition

Determine the Target with Feasble-Designed Product

Costing and Pricing

Maximize Trade Fair Participation

Market Access Network

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

Nichols, John M., Herman Steyn, 2008, Project Management for Business, Engineering, and Technology : Principles and Practices, 3rd Edition, Burtherworth and Heinemen Publisher (PMB)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, Discussions, and Quizzes

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Mid-term exam 30%, Final exam 20%. 50% activity

Course unit titles

Business Planning

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The 5th Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Noorlaily Fitdiarini, SE.,MBA
  2. Tri Siwi Agustina, Dr.,SE.,M.Si
  3. Nurullaily Kartika, SE.,MBA
  4. Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani, SE.,MSM
  5. Chorry Sulistyowati, SE.,M.Sc
  6. Nidya Ayu Arina, SM.,MSM

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, the students are expected to be able to make good business plans.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR platform)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Business Planning course discusses about the followings:

1. Introduction

2-3.Research Planning for Business

4. Presentation & Discussion

5.Plan a Business Plan

6-7.Writing a Business Plan (1)

8-9.Writing a Business Plan (2)

10-11.Writing a Business Plan (3)


Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

  1. Gassmann, O., Frankenberger, K. & Csik, M., 2014. The Business Model Navigator: 55 models that will revolutionise your business.
  2. Lambing, P.A. & Kuehl, C.R, (2007). Entrepreneurship 3rd Ed., Prentice-Hall

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

classical lectures, assignments, discussions, and Questions &Answers

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm & Final Exams (40%), Paper Assignments (20%), Presentation (20%), and Classroom Activities (20%)

Course unit titles

Business Marketing Management

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The 5th Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Sony Kusumasondjaja, SE.,M.Com.,Ph.D
  2. Masmira Kurniawati, Dr.,SE.,M.Si

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, the students are expected to be able toexplain the basic concepts of marketing, environmental analysis, customers, and competitors as well as marketing tools used in marketing activities in creating long-term relationships with customers

In order to Evaluate the effective marketing strategies and Analyze as well as  make decisions on issues in the marketing field.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR platform)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Marketing Management Learning discusses about the followings:

1.Introduction to Marketing Concept

2.Value Creation

3.Environmental Analysis

4.Competitor Analysis

5.Consumer Analysis

6.Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

7.Product & Brand


9.Distribution & Logistics

10.Integrated Marketing Communication

11.Mass & Personal Communication

12.Implementation & Control

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

Kotler, Philip & Kevin Lane Keller, 2016,    Marketing Management, New Jersey: Pearson

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Classical Lectures, Interactive Discussions, and Case Analysis

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm & Final Exams (80%) and Assignments (20%)


Course unit titles

Business Forecasting

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course units (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The 4th Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4.8 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Rahmat Heru Setianto, S.E., M.Sc.
  2. Prof. Dr. Tanti Handriana, S.E., M.Si.
  3. Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, S.E., M.Si.
  4. Chorry Sulistyowati, S.E., M.Sc.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing this course, the students are expected to be able to apply appropriate methods to forecast the future business conditions as a material for planning and decision making.

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using Great UNAIR platform)

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content

Business Forecasting Learning discusses:

1. Introduction to Business Forecasting and its importance

2. Review of prerequisite materials (Business Statistics)

3. Qualitative Methods

4. Forecasting Process, Data and Model

5. Forecasting Evaluation Method

6. Naive Methods

7. Average Methods

8. Exponential Smoothing Methods

9. Forecasting with Regression

10. Time Series Decomposition


12. Method Combination

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

Belch, G. and Belch, M (2009). Advertising and Promotion: an Integrated Marketing Communication Perspectives, International edition, McGraw-Hill.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

The course is started with a classical lecture to provide the students  the Definition of

methods whilst at the same time, the students will be exposed to  the conditions of the use of the methods and how to analyze them.Then, the class will be followed by a practical activity of  using microsoft excel program. The practice is carried out jointly by team members and from the results of the practice, several teams are then asked to present the results as well as create their interpretations. The results of the presentation are also discussed with other teams. In this course, the students are also given the task of collecting papers.

Language of instructions


Assessment methods and criteria

Midterm exam (40% is the result of the calculations from assignments; team practice; and presentations)

Final Exam (60%is the result of the calculations from assignments; team practice; and presentations)

Course unit title

Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility

Course unit code


Type of course unit (compulsory, optional)


Level of course unit (according to

EQF: first cycle Bachelor, second cycle Master)

The first cycle of Bachelor Degree Program

Year of study when the course unit is delivered

(if applicable)

2020 - 2021

Semester/trimester when the course unit is delivered

The Seventh Semester of Bachelor Study

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3.2 Credits

Name of lecturer(s)

  1. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, Dr
  2. Sri Hartini, Dr.,SE.,M.Si
  3. Ratri Amelia Aisyah, SM.,MSM
  4. Widio Rahardjo, SH.,M.Kn

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After accomplishing Ethics and Social Responsibility course, students are expected to be able to identify ethical dimensions in business; explain the morality in business; apply the right moral attitude in dealing with various important issues and moral dilemmas that exist in the business environment; and link the concepts with corporate social responsibility practices

Mode of delivery (face-to-face, distance learning)

Face-to-face and distance learning (using

Prerequisites and co-requisites (if applicable)


Course content


2.Ethical Theory

3. Individual response in dealing with ethical issues in


4. Organizational response to ethical issues

5. Obligations of the Company and Employees

6.Ethical and Consumer Issues

7.Economics and Justice

8.Advertising and Ethics

9.Business, environment and ethics

10-12 Corporate Social Responsibility

Recommended or required

reading and other learning resources/tools

Fisher, C and Alan Lovell, 2003. Business Ethics and Values. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall. (FL)

Weiss, J. W. 2009. Business Ethics. Mason, OH: South-Western

Bertens, K., 2000. Introduction to Business Ethics. Yogyakarta. Publisher Canisius. (B)

Sonny Sukada, Pamadi Wibowo, Katamsi Ginano, Jalal, Irpan Kadir,

Taufik Rahman. Grounding Sustainable Business – Understanding Corporate Social Responsibility Concepts and Practices. Indonesian Business Link (IBL)

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures, Discussions, and Quizzes

Language of instruction


Assessment methods and criteria

Mid-term exam (30%) & Final exam (30%), Paper assignments (5%), Quiz (5%), Presentation & discussion participation (30%)