“Always plan what you want to do, focus on achieving it, and do your best.”

Tri Sangga Prestiani, or who is familiarly called Sangga, is a new graduate from Bachelor of Accounting FEB UNAIR. This woman, who was born on September 15 1998 in Trenggalek, managed to achieve various achievements which led her to be named the Best FEB Graduate for the September 2021 period. Armed with a thorough plan, Tri Sangga is currently focusing on work, she was successfully accepted to work at PT. Nusantara Sakti Group with the position of Post Head of HMC, his job is to supervise sales who work in the field and is responsible for sales performance whose job is to market products, namely Honda brand motorbikes. Even though he has a fairly good position at work, Tri Sangga has the desire to continue studying at master's level. However, because there were no scholarships, he chose to work first so he could raise funds to continue his studies.

After spending his days as a Bachelor of Accounting student at FEB UNAIR, Tri Sangga felt that the most impressive thing for him was the family in his class. Starting from the CNA activities at the beginning of the lecture to the TAWA event which closed Tri Sangga's long journey as a student, everything succeeded in fostering a close sense of family and made Tri Sangga's lectures at Bachelor of Accountancy more memorable. Apart from feeling the meaning of family in college, Tri Sangga also felt the struggle that brought him to this moment where he finally succeeded in winning the title of Best Graduate of FEB UNAIR 2021. According to him, the thing that brought him to this position was condition. Tri Sangga comes from a simple family, he studied Accounting at Unair also with a bidikmisi scholarship. At the start of college, precisely during the second semester, Tri Sangga's father died due to a stroke. This adds to his motivation to always do his best, with all his strength and mind. In his environment there are also many people who take him for granted, starting from Tri Sangga at junior high school to studying at Unair. This is precisely what makes Tri Sangga never give up to do his best.

It is not easy to be named the Best Graduate of FEB UNAIR, it is truly an extraordinary struggle. According to Tri Sangga, the title of Best Graduate that he received was something unexpected for him. This is because he feels that his abilities are inadequate to become the best graduate and that many of his friends are better than him. For him, the only things he has are high enthusiasm, hard work, and never giving up, especially in terms of balancing academic and non-academic activities, because while he was studying he was also active in the Student Activity Unit (UKM), namely the Dance and Karawitan Activity Unit ( UKTK). Tri Sangga also has no ambition to be the best graduate, he just does his best and uses all his abilities to get the maximum GPA. He also never repeated courses to demand a perfect GPA.

Apart from being the Best FEB UNAIR Graduate, Tri Sangga has other achievements, such as participating in national activities, the 2019 Tlatah Bocah Festival, because he tends to be active in non-academic organizations, namely UKTK Unair. While at UKTK he often appeared at national level events, apart from that he was also a participant in the national level Tembang Mocopat competition at UNS. During his time at UKTK, UKTK won 1st place in a dance competition at Brawijaya University. Tri Sangga has been involved in playing musical instruments since elementary school. His first motivation is a hobby, secondly he really loves native culture, that doesn't mean he doesn't love other cultures, but this is his effort to protect one of the nation's cultures. Apart from that, for him pursuing the world of music is part of his life, and can be self-healing when he is tired of academics.

Before parting ways and flying higher, Tri Sangga gave a message to fellow students, namely, always plan what you want to do, focus on achieving it, and do your best. Don't set too many targets, but always be serious about every positive activity, so that if there is a failure it won't be so painful, and if the target is achieved it will be a joy in itself. Don't limit your interactions, but try to maintain your principles in life. Even though Tri Sangga is an accounting student, he also makes friends with various groups, such as artists, field workers, students, and people much older than him. He also did this to gather links , because he didn't know who would help later when there were difficulties. Don't use hobbies or other activities outside of academics as a barrier to learning. As a student, academic activities must be number one, without neglecting social activities outside of academics.

This woman, whose hobbies are listening to music and traveling, aspires to become a lecturer, but still wants to gain more links and experience in industry or in practice. Tri Sangga's strategy for achieving goals is to work hard, be enthusiastic, pray and trust. Hard work begins by entering industry, working at BUMN or BUMS in Indonesia, because by entering industry, Tri Sangga believes that the knowledge he has will become more complete, not only theory but also practice (BLQ)