Good news comes from the Asian Journal of Accounting Research - AJAR, one of the international journals of the Department of Accounting, which has succeeded in obtaining SCOPUS indexation. Another proud thing is that AJAR is the first accounting journal in Indonesia and the first social journal at Universitas Airlangga to be indexed by SCOPUS.

The Accounting Department would like to thank all parties who have made this indexation process a success. The following is the composition of the AJAR Journal management team.

Dr. Harymawan Faith

Associate Editor
Dr. Nadia Anridho

Consulting Editor
Professor Basuki
Professor Dian Agustia
Professor I Made Narsa
Professor Mohammad Nasih
Peace Nasution Professor Tjiptohadi Sawarjuwono
Professor Bambang Tjahjadi

Managing Editor
Yani Permatasari

Technical Support
Fajar Kristanto Gautama Putra