60th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga activities to achieve SDGs No.4, namely Q uality Education through community service by providing tax knowledge to teachers.

This webinar is aimed at teachers on the grounds that teachers are parties who can be agents of change in terms of changing the mindset or paradigm of taxation in society by providing insight and knowledge of taxation to their students correctly. The hope is that early tax education will optimize understanding of taxation for teachers and will then be conveyed to students.

Tax Webinar1

 This webinar presented three speakers who are tax lecturers in the Accounting Department, namely: Dra. Mienati Somya Lasmana, MSi., Ak., BKP who presented the subtopic "VAT Law and its Amendments", then Dr. Heru Tjaraka, SE., MSi., Ak., BKP with the subtopic "VAT Aspects in Increasing Tax Awareness and Compliance" and Dr. Santi Novita, SE., MM., Ak., CA., BKP with the subtopic "Welcoming Employee Income Tax Return Reporting". is also a tax lecturer at the Accounting Department.

cTax Webinar4

Watch this webinar again via the Accounting Department's YouTube Channel!