Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Gancar Candra Premananto,SE.,M.Si.


As is known, China has become the largest source of foreign human resources in
Indonesia. According to the official data of Indonesia, there are more than 20,000
Chinese expatriates working in Indonesia now. We hope to find out the management situation of Chinese companies and institutions through exploring the problems faced by Chinese expatriates in cross-cultural communication in Indonesia and the difficulties in working and living. It is expected that after the completion of this study, it will play a positive role in the management of expatriates in Chinese companies and institutions, so as to cope with the growing demand for expatriates and corresponding management needs under the booming economic and trade exchanges between China and Indonesia. On the other hand, it also can help Chinese expatriates to get better preparation for the expatriation life.
This paper uses qualitative method to analyse the problems and difficulties faced by Chinese expatriates in Indonesia, and discusses the defects of Chinese companies and institutions' management, especially the guidance and management in cross-cultural communication. The research results including suggestions and solutions to the exiting problems, which will help improve the management of Chinese expatriates in Indonesia.

Keywords : International HRM, Chinese Expatriates, Problems, Expatriation Management.

Sumber : http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/artikel/artikel-ilmiah/897-the-international-human-resources-management-the-problems-and-conflict-managements-of-cross-culture-chinese-expatriates-in-indonesia-studies.html