European Journal of Business and Management

ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)

Vol.8, No.15, 2016


Authors :

Effnu Subiyanto, Doctoral student of Airlangga University 
Djoko Mursinto, Economic professor of Airlangga University 
Rudi Purwono, Economic lecture of Airlangga University


Abstract :

Cement  is  primarily  product  to  build  massif  infrastructure  while  Indonesia  was  experiencing  shortage  of production  last  decade.  Due  the  situation,  cement  projects  were  rampant  in  period  2008-2015  to  anticipate further surprise demand. However to build a new cement plant is quite difficult due to high cost of logistic. In this paper, four projects of Indonesia state’s owned Semen Indonesia at Java and outside Java were examined to explore total logistic cost contributed by sea freight and domestic section. According this research total logistic cost  came  from  foreign  source  was  6.464%  while  domestic  contribution  was  1.363%  against  total  investment cost; however limitation of infrastructure contributes 27,129% against domestic path.

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