SMART II (Sharia Motivation and Achievement II) is a cadre program from the HRD division. SMART II is implemented as a continuation of SMART I. The aim of implementing SMART II is to train the leadership spirit of each individual, train skills in problem solving in organizations, and also learn to preach Islamic economics

The event starts in the morning on Saturday. The event started with a Forum Group Discussion with material on Prophetic Leadership. Prophetic Leadership is leadership that is based on the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad. This FGD was led by Muhammad Ariq Syahputra as Division Manager of HRD. The FGD was quite exciting and many of the 2018 ACCESSORS expressed opinions about Prophetic Leadership.


After that, it was continued by a Forum Group Discussion with material on the urgency of Islamic economics. The FGD was led by Sholikudin Alawy as division manager of Research and Paper. The things discussed in this discussion are the urgency of Islamic economics, the importance of Islamic philanthropy (Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh, and waqf) and why we should choose Islamic economics as an economic foundation.

The final FGD material is material about Communication. The FGD was led by Shamsul Arif as PRncom division manager. The things discussed in this discussion are about how important it is to maintain communication in the organization.

In the afternoon, after midday prayers, practices regarding the spirit of leadership and preaching of Islamic economics are carried out. This practice is implemented by establishing posts which will then be assigned a case that must be resolved. Several groups were formed. From the leadership post, participants are required to solve problems in the committee under certain conditions. Then in the next post, in the post about preaching Islamic economics. Participants are required to preach Islamic economics to their own parents, in whose case they save in conventional banks.

In the evening, there was a little refreshment, namely an English Forum was held whose aim was to train the English language skills of ACCESSORS. Participants are required to converse in English.





