Center of Information or COIN, is an activity with the concept of providing information about competitions and other things, on a platform, namely Instagram. It contains all the information...

Maskepo is one of the agendas in the Community Service Department of BEM FEB UNAIR. The activity is packaged in the form of videography which aims to promote MSMEs (Micro Small Enterprises and...

Disaster Response is a routine agenda organized by the Community Service Department of BEM FEB UNAIR which aims to help communities affected by disasters. This activity can...

Becoming a forum as a means of exploring or getting to know more deeply about things that happen in the environment and social life is something that needs to be known and prepared. So ...

The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is an activity designed to enrich the quality of individuals studying (students) at higher education institutions, with the aim of forming them...

MSIB Class is one of the work programs of the BEM FEB Professional Development Department, Airlangga University which focuses on providing information related to MSIB preparation aimed at all...

Career Week is a work program from BEM FEB UNAIR through the Professional Development Department to facilitate FEB UNAIR students and alumni to obtain information about the process...

Pengprof Talkshow (Profshow) is an agenda in the Professional Development Department of BEM FEB UNAIR and is a special form of realization of preparation for the post-campus world for...

Prabu Adhikari is one of the work programs of the Scientific Department of BEM FEB UNAIR which has 2 sub-agendas, namely mentoring and workshops, with the aim of providing comprehensive support...

The Dean Cup is a work program that competes in various sports which are participated in by 4 departments at FEB UNAIR. With the aim of health and well-being, participation in sport...

FEB UNAIR Ambassadors is a community of a group of students selected with their respective skills and talents to become one of the representatives of FEB UNAIR. This program also accommodates...

The Self Development Program is a self-development activity held by the BEM FEB Professional Development Department, Airlangga University which focuses on hard skills aimed at...

ENGLISH DEVELOPMENT or EDEV, is an event that carries the concept of providing training to develop English language skills with the main activity being the ELPT test as a parameter...

Art Show & Exhibition (ASE) has several series of activities. One of them is competitions in the arts which can provide a platform to channel interests and talents and hone...