Dosen Pembimbing
Prof.Fendy Suhariadi,MT.,PSi.


Since 2015, adjustments has been made by PT X to answer the complexity of business customer needs and the competition demands in banking industry has impacted on the change of performance assessment and focus replenishment inside the company, downstream to the level of branch office.
In the middle of target change as a challenge in the branch level, branch office Y Surabaya successfully won the title as “Best Branch Office with Consistent Performance Achievement”, as also becoming the most actively
participating branch office in Community of Practice in its regional area, which was initially designed by PT X as a knowledge management form to fulfill the
competency and knowledge need that keep increasing inside the organization.
This research was held qualitatively with case study in branch office Y by collecting the data through interviews with the branch key informants and documentation, which analyzed further with open and axial coding techniques to identify themes and categories that emerged and influenced the ongoing knowledge management implementation in branch Y as an initiative configuration of organization development to face the change of organization effectively. Furthermore, analysis was based on SECI model that already used as the KM framework in PT X, and observed the KM success factors, as also the organizational culture that influenced in the branch.
The research result showed that KM implementation in branch office Y has confirmed the four steps of SECI model, with emphasize still concentrate in socialization step, and that the most dominant KM success factor in branch office Y is managerial influence with the coach leadership style that encourage knowledge sharing process. In the other hand, the most significant branch Y’s culture that influenced the branch KM implementation is the strong core values and beliefs within the employees about the importance of knowledge as the key for teamwork effectiveness and competitive force of the branch.
Nevertheless, the result of KM implementation in branch office Y also suggested that the KM implementation in branch level in PT X still focusing on KM process of knowledge sharing, and not yet meet the goal of PT X’s KM framework to generate organization innovations to achieve organization performance, that it still need to be developed and improved furthermore to answer the company external challenges.

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