Title: Suksesi dan Praktik Entrepreneurial Generasi Kedua Dalam Bisnis Keluarga (Multiple Case Studies di Banjarmasin dan Surakarta)

Authors: Zakhyadi Ariffin

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Program Studi Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Phenomenon of succession in business family has become specific topic of family business center in several universities in advanced countries especially in the United States. Surveys carried out found out that only 30 percent of family businesses could survive in second generation. Research on family business in Indonesia is rarely performed; moreover on leadership succession process. The aim of this research I to get description abou family business succession formula in Indonesia, determinants of formula and effectiveness of succession, and its impact on entrepreneurial behavior of the second generation of family business owner. The qualitative approach used in order that enable researcher to understand the social meaning of case series and phenomenon in succession process. Case study method was chosen because the meaning of action that subject took in succession process its only may understood as holistic. In case study needed triangulation in terms of fact collection namely by unstructured interview. Direct observation and documentation study. Three family business in Banjarmasin and two family businesses in Surarkarta were close as cases of study because of easy-access in gaining data. The result of the research showed that in the observed cases, the role of the founder, successor background and condition of family business and family live determined both formula and effectiveness of succession. The succession process was effective in two cases, made the entrepreneurial mindset of the second generation of family business owner. Whereas, in the three cases that succession process not effective, the business practices of second generation of family business owner was more directed to managerial behavior.


Keywords: Family business, succession, second generation, entrepreneurial. Behavior, and multiple case studies


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/94093/