Title: Patient Satisfaction Based on Corporate Entrepreneurship


This research aims to determine what factors are included in the service excellence based on corporate entrepreneurship, whether these factors affect the patient satisfaction, and which factors influence dominantly to patient satisfaction. The research design of this study is an exploratory quantitative approach, which was conducted in two stages. The first step, the research conducted by open-ended question to explore the perception of the 40 patients about the service excellence of the hospital, so it can be known the factors which include in service excellence based on corporate entrepreneurship can be developed in the improvement of health services at the Dr. Soetomo Hospital after the implementation of BPJS, then proceed with a closed-ended question structure to 400 patients of Health-BPJS. The sampling technique was by purposive non-random sampling. The results of this study are, first, factors influencing patient satisfaction of Health-BPJS participants after getting treatment at the government hospital (Dr. Soetomo Hospital and Hajj Public Hospital) formed by six factors. The factors that were formed were named by the reliability factor, empathy factor, the factor means of support, administrative factors, service factors, and factors of hospital hygiene. Second, indicators with the highest loading values ​​obtained from the rotation calculation factors are indicators of X 13 on the reliability factor is the health services infrastructure supported by sophisticated technology.

Keywords Satisfaction, Corporate Entrepreneurship

Sources: https://www.sciencepubco.com/index.php/ijet/article/view/13658