grand explore feb unairExplore 2024 is a major work program of the Research and Development (RnD) division of the FEB Universitas AirlanggaStudent Cooperative. This year we are holding an exploration event with the theme "Workshop on Green Preneurship in Action: Case Studies of Successful Sustainable Businesses". This activity aims to encourage environmentally friendly business innovation among students in Indonesia, especially students of economics and business faculties. Greenpreneurship has an important role in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs), for example SDG 4 (quality education) to educate the importance of sustainable business, SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth) to be able to create new jobs in the green economy sector, SDG 9 (Industry , Innovation, and infrastructure) encourage technological innovation and environmentally friendly products, as well as SDG 12 responsible consumption and production which will ultimately develop solutions to environmental problems and combat environmental change SDG 13.

The Explore activity consists of two categories of activities, namely Workshops which will be held offline and Business Model Canvas (BMC) which will be held online. Workshop sub-activities will be carried out first. Workshop activities, namely a two-way dialogue in the form of delivering material by the speaker, a question and answer session, and followed by a practice session on making a simple canvas model business design by the participants which will later be presented by 2-3 groups and assessed by the resource person. Meanwhile, the Business Model Canvas (BMC) sub-activity will be held one week after the workshop activity, it is hoped that workshop participants will participate as a continuation or output from the training at the previous workshop event.

By taking part in this activity, participants will understand the concept of greenpreneurship and its importance in building a sustainable and environmentally friendly business as well as learn successful green business strategies and models. Participants will also gain skills in building and managing green businesses as well as analyzing markets and opportunities. Explore 2024 is an important program for KOPMEB to show its commitment to supporting the achievement of the SDGs. By providing training, mentoring and access to resources to MSMEs, KOPMEB can help them to start and develop successful and sustainable green businesses. This will ultimately contribute to achieving the SDGs and sustainable economic development in Indonesia.

Explore 2024, together we will create a greener and more sustainable future!