Universitas Airlangga FEB Student Cooperative is proud to present:


The 2020 KOPMA WEEK Seminar comes with the theme "Digitalization of Cooperatives in Strengthening Competitiveness and a Forum for Creative Economic Development" which is certainly very interesting to discuss. 

Don't miss it, save the date:

???? : Sunday, November 21 2021

???? : 08.45-finish

???? : Zoom

???? : FREE HTM (yeayy!!!)  


Facilities available:

  • • E-Certificate
  • • Useful knowledge


Registration :

Fill out the registration form on the link: 



Terms and Conditions : 

- Follow Instagram @kopmafebunair and @kopmaweek_febunair 

‎Further Information:

‎Fitrah: 0821 4202 9573 (WA) 

‎Alya: 0823 2764 1724 (WA) 


Don't forget to follow our social media:

Instagram : @kopmaweek_febunair

Line : @649apuxz

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need Javascript enabled to view it.



