Every healthy student organization (Ormawa), will definitely continue to learn how to ensure that the organization can utilize its essence to achieve mutual benefits. Starting from how to coordinate the organization's management staff, how to maximize existing resources, and how to move the organization to be more progressive in the sense of creating new things relevant to the organization's field that have never been done before. This is what KOPMA FEB UNAIR carried out on Saturday, 28 September 2019, KOPMA FEB UNAIR carried out a routine work program every management period by visiting KOPMA State University of Malang (UM) to continue learning new things with around 30 participants participating. management of KOPMA FEB UNAIR. 


This visit was the second visit for the 2019 KOPMA FEB UNAIR management period. Previously, KOPMA FEB UNAIR made a visit to KOPMA Dr. ITS figures on April 27 2019. The series of events during the visit were designed in such a way that the visit time could be utilized as optimally as possible. Starting with remarks from the General Chair of KOPMA UM and remarks from the General Chair of KOPMA FEB UNAIR. After that, it was continued with the presentation of presentation material by each KOPMA so that they knew in detail the things contained in each KOPMA. This continued with the Focus Group Discussion event which included each division from each KOPMA to discuss problems in each KOPMA division. The event was also punctuated by visiting the KOPMA UM business shop. The visit ended with a group photo.

