Learning activities in lectures continue to develop every year. Starting from the development of the theory taught, the weight of the questions, to the minimum standard scores that must be achieved. Therefore, there is a need for support for students, so that the learning process does not stop at just lecture hours. In this case, the scientific division of the Islamic Economics Student Association Universitas Airlangga created a supporting program, namely "PPA" or Academic Improvement Program. This program helps active Islamic economics students Universitas Airlangga by providing assistance and supporting modules. So it is hoped that the standard of lectures which continues to increase every year can be balanced with an increase in students' academic abilities.


Assistance is one of the activities of PPA. Periodic assistance program aimed at supporting the lecture activities of Islamic Economics students. This program is carried out routinely three times a week, with three courses for first semester students and third semester students. With this assistance, it is hoped that Islamic Economics students will experience benefits in the form of ease in digesting lessons outside of lecture hours.

The Student Learning Module is a sub-program of the PPA (Academic Development Program) work of the 2018 Islamic Economics Student Association Scientific Division. The Student Learning Module contains a summary of material from all courses given to students. The purpose of holding this Learning Module is as a forum for student academic development and as a learning medium in addition to lecture textbooks. Student learning modules are arranged in two periods, namely pre-UTS and pre-UAS. All members of the scientific division are the authors of the Student Learning Module.  


For students who are included in the two- and four-year study evaluation lists because the semester credit system (SKS) is not fulfilled or because the cumulative achievement index (GPA) limit is not met, the scientific division provides assistance called CDO (Candidate Drop Out). We provide assistance in the form of assistance in courses that the student finds difficult and provide a little counseling for the student until the student can escape from the CDO title.