SMART 1, which is an acronym for Sharia Motivation and Achievement Training 1, is one of the work programs of the HRD Division, AcSES FEB UNAIR. SMART 1 is the first cadre formation activity for 2019 Accessors. SMART 1 this time is different from previous years because it was held outside the city, namely in Pacet, Mojokerto.

This activity started on Friday, March 15 2019 at 18.00 where all participants gathered in the FEB lobby. After everyone had gathered, the participants were directed to the vehicle that would take them to Pacet. When they arrived at the villa they were immediately invited to rest. Next, the participants were woken up at 03.00, the morning agenda was tahajud prayer, muroja'ah juz 30, morning prayer, and reading al-ma'surat. These activities are part of the culture of AcSES which must continue to be implemented.

In the morning at around 06.00 participants do morning exercises to maintain physical fitness. Next they were directed to have breakfast and clean themselves because the event would continue with the material. The first material was AcSES delivered by Hasbi Ash Shidiq as Main Director of AcSES. This material is related to the history of AcSES, the direction of AcSES' movement as UKMF Reasoning on campus and as KSEI outside campus. The second material was FoSSEIan which was delivered directly by Achmad Dika Maulana as Regional Coordinator of FoSSEI East Java. The material about FoSSEI also leads to the meaning of FoSSEI, the direction of FoSSEI's movement, the relationship between KSEI and FoSSEI, and so on. The second material ends after the speaker's closing statement.

After the material is finished, the participants' abilities are tested with the Ranking 1 game. The questions in Ranking 1 are a combination of AcSES, FoSSEI material, as well as knowledge about the AcSES secretariat and several people at AcSES. This not only aims to find out the participants' understanding of the material that has been given but also to find out how close the participants were to BPH and DK before the SMART 1 event. Rank 1 was won by Dewi Rahmawati from the Research and Paper Division.

At 13.30 the activity continued with the third material, namely knowledge about Islamic economics. However, this third material is different from the previous material because it is not delivered using the sermon method but is delivered in the form of games. Participants are divided into 8 groups, each group contains 3-4 people from different divisions. Each group is given a route to get to the posts provided, of which there are 4 posts. At each post the group will be pitted against another group, they will do a challenge and then be given questions about Islamic economics. At the end of the game, the post guard explains the answers to the questions that have been asked. This game aims to provide information about Islamic economics to participants in a unique and fun way.

Apart from Islamic economics material which is presented in the form of games. The Cadreization Council held a role play for all participants and BPH. All groups are given one case to answer based on the profession they have previously obtained. The agenda aims to train participants' thinking and speaking skills. In the evening, after the evening prayer was finished, the participants presented their best work at the inauguration. The inauguration that night had a Disney theme. After the inauguration, participants held a barbeque party with BPH and DK. However, the BBQ party at that time was very interesting because it was accompanied by 2014 and 2015 AcSES alumni so that participants could have casual conversations with alumni. The evening's activities ended at 23.45.

On the last day, participants were woken up at 03.30 to perform the tahajud prayer, murojaah juz 30, morning prayer and read al-ma'surat as on the previous day. The last day contained games held by the Cadreization Council. The games were aimed at introducing participants to fellow participants, BPH and DK. After the game ends, participants are invited to eat and clean themselves. Then the event was exchanging gifts, awards, group photos, and returning to Surabaya.

With the existence of SMART 1, BPH HRD Division hopes that all 2019 assessors will understand AcSES, FoSSEI, and become closer to each other so that they feel comfortable. It is hoped that this comfort will create a greater sense of love for AcSES so that the 2019 assessors will not only carry out work programs as work programs but as a means of worship.