Access February Unair 2023AcSES Visit is a work program from the Islamic Business Division which is carried out offline by visiting partners who have collaborated with AcSES, then there AcSESOR will learn and understand the world of work directly and preach Islamic Economics, especially in the fields of work and business. The event will be attended by a presenter who will provide material around a predetermined theme, then after that the participants will carry out direct practice accompanied by the presenter.

The event started with an opening and remarks, then the main event which contained the delivery of material through an edu tour and a sharing session by the speaker accompanied by a question and answer session, then continued with participants practicing the material that had been presented and then closed with giving mementos.

So that from this event participants can gain knowledge so that they can relate and practice it in everyday life and participants also gain experience when they will be directly involved in the world of work.

KSEI Visit
KSEI VISIT is an opportunity for AcSES members to stay in touch with other KSEI.
In this activity, the two KSEIs will exchange information regarding what is available at their respective KSEIs. With this, each KSEI can take positive things from information that has been shared from other KSEIs that has not yet been implemented in their respective KSEIs. Starting with the opening and remarks from each KSEI concerned.
Then, there is an explanation of the profile of each KSEI. The most important thing is the sharing session with each division. Followed by an Ice Breaking session before handing over plaques and certificates to KSEI AcSES and KSEI FEB Undip. Finally there is a closing session and joint documentation as a keepsake. From this activity, it is hoped that each KSEI can obtain information that is of good value and can be implemented for KSEI. Apart from information, the KSEI concerned will gain relationships that will certainly last in the long term.