SHARIA MOTIVATION AND ACHIEVEMENT TRAINING 1 (SMART 1) 2023 is one of the AcSES FEB UNAIR Human Resource Development work programs which aims to create competent and professional AcSES cadres. The SMART 1 2023 activity was held offline from 13 April 2023 to 14 April 2023 at Villa Merah, Pacet, Mojokerto. Through this SMART 1 2023 activity, we are creating AcSES cadres who have insight into Islamic economics both in theory and application, and to provide insight into leadership and managerial matters so that AcSES cadres have managerial and organizational skills.


Contact Person:

Muhammad Royan Hermansyah (081217605948)



▪ Instagram : ksei_acsesunair

▪ Line : @PRG6907D

▪ Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need Javascript enabled to view it.


