"The intelligent person is the one who corrects himself and prepares deeds for provisions after death, and the stupid (weak) person is the one who obeys his desires and dreams of Allah" (HR. Tirmidhi)

Seeking knowledge is an obligation for a Muslim, it also leads young people to continue their education at the university level. New students are people who first explore the world of campus. The level of idealism that is still high encourages them to become people who want to achieve everything and consider all new things to be so amazing.

Welcoming new Muslim FEB students (SAMBA MUFE) is an activity carried out by MOSAIC (Moslem Students Association of Economic and Business Faculty) PSDM (Muslim Resource Development) Division to help new students adapt to the campus world without leaving their nature as a Muslim. Samba Mufe was held on Friday, August 31, 2018 at the Soepoyo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. To motivate new students, MOSAIC FEB invited the President of BEM Unair 2013, who is a young advocate and author of the books “Constituent Charter of Medina” and “Prophetic Public Speaking”, namely Himas El Hakim.

In this activity the theme that was raised to motivate new students in facing the world of lectures was "Strategies for Becoming Outstanding Students Through Self-Management and Leadership in Islam". It is hoped that with this theme, new students can still achieve the desired achievements through self-management based on Islam. Because as a Muslim we should do all activities based on Islam.

The enthusiasm of the new students who took part in the welcoming activity for new Muslim FEB students was seen when they asked questions and followed the instructions of the speaker. In addition, the presence of ice breaking in the form of games, namely the Kahoot games, showed that they listened to all the material that had been delivered. As a form of appreciation for the participants, the committee gave prizes in the form of books to three new students who managed to get the highest points.

In a world that is so great, faith is the main thing to hold on so as not to be swayed just to enjoy the world alone. Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind -Albert Einstein

Author : Wahyu Setyorini