Airlangga Mobility 2019 FEB Unair contents

FEB UNAIR - Airlangga Mobility: Management and Leadership Development Forum is an event organized by Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE) in order to realize the vision of Universitas Airlangga as a World Class University which is oriented not only to efforts to meet existing international standards, but also aims to gain international recognition for the existence of Universitas Airlangga itself. This event is related to development skill management and leadership, which was created to pursue Universitas Airlangga students not only to learn about how to be excellent leaders and managers, but also to enable them to exchange knowledge about leadership and managerial skills with students from other universities in ASEAN.

This year, the event was held at Mahidol University, Thailand on June 24 – 27, 2019, along with delegates from the Mahidol University Faculty of Graduate Studies from various faculties. There were three students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga who successfully passed the selection to take part in the event along with students from other faculties, namely: Sarita Adika Kinasih (1 S2016 Management), Ivone Dona Khoirun Nisa (1 S2016 Management), and Nisrina Aufa. Aziza (S1 Accounting 2016). During the event, students get guest lectures from Dr. Srisupa Palakvansa Na Ayudhya regarding creative design thinking. Here, students learn more about management, especially in terms of marketing. This is because students learn how to analyze a problem, market segmentation, target the right market, create solutions and make prototype. At the end of the class, delegations from Universitas Airlangga and Mahidol University were combined and divided into 4 groups to propose their creative ideas as solutions to problems that exist in big cities. Students also do cultural exchanges through a cooking class where Airlangga University delegates were required to cook Indonesian dishes, namely Pecel and Ice Rujak Rambutan, while Mahidol University delegates cooked Tom Yum Kung and Bua Loy.

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