Strengthening Brotherhood between KSEI, Access FEB Unair Holds KSEI Visit

AcSES which is one of the Student Activity Units of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga which is also a member of the Islamic Economics Study Group (KSEI) under the auspices of FoSSEI (Islamic Economics Silaturrahni Study Forum) on 9 September 2018 then held a visit to other KSEI who are fellow Surabaya commissariats , namely KSEI at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA), namely the KSEI Student Association of the Department of Economics (HMJ IE) UNESA then continued to the Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, namely KSEI Islamic Economics Student Association (HIMA Eksyar) UINSA and KSEI Sharia Economy Studies Center Sunan Ampel ( SEDiC SUPEL) UINSA.

The colleagues from the three KSEIs were very enthusiastic about welcoming colleagues from KSEI AcSES FEB UNAIR. This activity is intended to maintain the relationship (ukhuwah and friendship) between KSEI. In addition, in this activity, KSEI-KSEI meeting can exchange information regarding what is contained in their respective KSEI. So that with this sharing, we can give each other input and inspiration between KSEIs who meet.

The activity ended with giving souvenirs from each KSEI and continued with a group photo. It is hoped that this visit will continue to maintain ukhuwah and friendship between KSEI AcSES FEB Unair and KSEI HMJ IE UNESA, KSEI HIMA Eksyar UINSA, and KSEI SEDiC SUPEL UINSA and can synergize together especially in grounding the Islamic economy.

Inter-KSEI Souvenir Award