Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., Msi.


Electronic media has become one of the mainstay media for communication and business.
Internet users in Indonesia in 2017 reached 132 million people where the growth of e-commerce market reached 22% for the Asia Pacific region. The existence of a cultural shift from offline transactions to online causes of business opportunities, especially on the sale and purchase of classic motorbikes online.
This study aims to determine the effect of e-commerce knowledge, perceived reputation, perceived risk and perceived technology to the beliefs and repurchase intention of consumers in the online automotive field (studies on classical motor users).
This research is a quantitative research with questionnaires to 170 respondents whose analysis technique used Partial Least Square (PLS). In this research, E-commerce knowledge has no significant effect on Consumer Confidence, Perceived reputation has significant influence on Consumer Confidence, Perceived Risk has no significant effect on Consumer Confidence, Perceived technology has significant effect on Consumer Confidence, Consumer Trust has significant effect on Repurchase Intention.

Keywords: e-commerce knowledge, perceived reputation, perceived risk and perceived technology.

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/843- Influence- towards-consumer-trust-and-repurchase-intention-in-UMKM-automotive-based-online-study-on-classic-motorcycle-users.html